<p>Well I just got wait-listed and honestly, I am surprised! I was expecting rejection but should I be happy? What are my chances of getting accepted from the wait-list? I chose the 'Yes' option on the decisions page regarding my wait-listing as soon as I found out my decision (2 hours after the release)
SAT Score: 2060 (best score)
GPA- 4.0
Desired Major- pre-business economics
Extra-curricular Activities:
1) debate-team
2) dance
3) drama
4) lots of volunteer and community services </p>
<p>Is anyone as worried as I am?? -.-</p>
<p>I was kind of expecting acceptance because of their “holistic” approach to admissions but I was wrong and got wait-listed. Just keep in mind that it’s still an honor. One of the most brilliant girls in my extremely competitive class got rejected. And one girl got rejected from UCSB but accepted to UCLA, so don’t think too badly of yourself; it’s basically a random admissions process. And everyone at my school got off the UCLA wait list last year so fret not! We all have a chance.</p>
<p>My stats:
ACT: 30
GPA (UW): 3.88
UC GPA: 4.3 (just found that out, I always thought it was 4.2 lol)
APs: World (4), Lang (5), US (5)
Senior year courses: AP Gov, AP Calc AB, AP Lit, AP Psych
Extracurriculars: Countless hours dedicated to theatre (like 5 hours a day), student council (4 yrs), editor-in-chief of school newspaper (1 yr), choir (1 yr), singing lessons (1 yr), NHS (2 yrs), CSF (4 semesters), 280+ hours of service
Essays: Pretty amazing – about my brother with Down syndrome, and how theatre has impacted my life
Intended major: English</p>
<p>Hopefully UCB accepts me, because after the disappointment of being wait-listed at UCLA, I’m not sure if I want to go to a school that doesn’t <em>really</em> want me. But it’s still a great school. Good luck to you though, and anyone else on the wait list!</p>
<p>I applied for music, had a great audition. Really surprised I got waitlisted. </p>
<p>ACT: 30
UW GPA: 3.89
UC GPA: 4.2
Extracurriculars: Band kid, participated in almost every band class, had some leadership positions. Ran a jazz combo, did some community service with that.
Essays: Pretty good.
Senior courseload: IB English, IB Civics, Economics, Health, Honors Math Analysis, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble</p>
<p>I’m gonna ask other music applicants if they got waitlisted; maybe there’s hope if it was a widespread issue.</p>
<p>Applied to pre-business economics </p>
GPA: 4.2
APs: US History (4), Calc AB (5), Environmental Science (5)
ECs: church youth religious group, volunteer at day care, piano for 10 years, varsity basketball, peer tutor for special education classes
Senior courseload: AP Calc BC, US Government, Economics, AP Psychology, English, AP statistics</p>
<p>I honestly thought I had a shot but I guess I wasn’t what they were looking for</p>
<p>Wow you all are so qualified that it’s really shocking you guys were wait-listed! Nevertheless platshenanigans is right; it’s still an honor and better than being downright rejected (at least at this moment) so fingers-crossed for any seat-openings guys! Did you all accept your seats on the wait-list or are going to attend some other uni?</p>
<p>I accepted a seat on the wait list but that will probably change if I somehow get into Berkeley!</p>
<p>Really disappointed by the waitlist, but I guess I just have to hope for the best now. Hoping I can get into UCB… but don’t know if that’s so likely now. Right now it looks like I’m heading to UCSB.
UC GPA: 4.28 (uncapped is 4.36)
UW GPA: somewhere around 3.9ish
SAT: 2120 (720 CR, 710 math, 690 writing)
SAT II: 790 math, 750 bio, 690 lit
Senior schedule: AP Pysch, APES, AP Lit, Photo, Art, Gov
AP Tests: Bio(3), Physics(4), Calc BC(4), Stats(4), Lang(4)
Extracurriculars: About average, did some regular volunteer for some organizations and also held some leadership positions in clubs but nothing big. Was also captain of the tennis team and 4 years on varsity.
Essays: Not beautiful, but I would say good enough.
A lot of people from my school got in with worse stats and barely better extracurriculars… I really do not get this college admission stuff!</p>
<p>@nenolam I know right? I know people from my school who got in and didn’t seem quite as qualified. Admissions this year seemed really random. Like People not getting into Davis but into UCLA. I guess I’ll be heading to Cal Poly</p>
<p>Yeah, I got waitlisted. I had a feeling this would happen - kind of like a gut feeling. Oh well, I accepted the waitlist opportunity but if I get in into USC, I’ll most likely end up going there.</p>
<p>ACT Score: 31 (one sitting)
GPA: 3.9 uw, 4.25 UC
Desired Major: undecided
Extra-curricular Activities:
- track sprinter
- NHS volunteer
- Designed class t-shirts
- music lessons, photography, studio art.
- work in a restaurant.</p>
<p>Good luck to all yo wait-listed applicants - keep your heads up. I consider it an honor to even be waitlisted, after all, UCLA is a pretty well-known school.</p>
<p>Highest SAT: 2130
SAT II: Math 2 760, Bio 630
UW GPA: 3.89
W GPA: 4.39
Extracurriculars: job at tutoring center, compsci camp summer, programming internship at website, local robotics 1st place/cptn(4 yrs), engineering competition 3rd place state as captain(3 yrs), pres of school math club(this yr), key club cali-nev-ha graphics department(three yrs), key club divisional tech editor as a sophomore, freelance graphic design…those are my most meaningful ones
Essays: Aight
Senior courseload: 5 APs/IBs</p>
<p>im also an EFC 0 female in compsci so i thought that would give me a hook/advantage but i guess not =( good luck to all, and whatever school you go to, maybe it’ll be more chill than ucla. i’m considering ucsd now, and im in love with the campus: beach, good food, decent party scene, the college i got into is best for engineering with minimum GEs and dorms are almost the best. ill be doing work study, and i only have to pay 5k for freshman year because of a scholarship i got, and the rest of the years ill be paying 8k
so im pretty happy!!!</p>
<p>@jesskidding and nenolam: UCSD and UCSB are great schools so you should be really proud of yourselves! UCLA has over 80,000 applications to review so maybe that’s why they chose some really amazing applicants and not some so amazing? Part of the holistic approach I guess. That’s probably the only reason why all of you were not accepted (yet). I bet if we all applied like two or three years ago, we would’ve gotten in. -.-</p>
<p>@golden: I know what you mean by random-I got rejected from both UC Riverside and UC Irvine but wait-listed for UCLA. I don’t even know what to think anymore regarding my admission for USC and UCB! Oh well, at least I have Pepperdine (if they give me a good financial package) or it’s SMC for me :(</p>
<p>My son was wait-listed. We live in Orange County. He was accepted at Cal Poly SLO, UCD, UCSB, UCSD and Cal (selected to interview for Regents Scholar at Cal).
ACT: 32
SAT: 1910
UWGPA: 3.97 (one B+ in Ap Lang)
WGPA: 4.3?
APs: APWorld(3), APUSH(4), APlang(5), AP Bio(3), currently taking AP Calc, AP Physics, AP Lit, AP Spanish, AP Gov and AP Econ.
Major: Applied Math or Econ
ECs: many including captain of 2 Varsity teams, editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, summer job, drama productions, etc…
Not sure what Cal saw in him that UCLA didn’t.</p>
<p>Also waitlisted and pretty upset about it :-/
Are you guys writing the optional statement when you opt in? Idk what to say in it!!!</p>
<p>Also does anyone know how they review the pple on the waitlist? Do they look at our whole app again or what?..</p>
<p>@NlaNla123: I’m pretty sure that they look through the entire application again… so they don’t have people pre-ranked already. And I’m gonna write something in my optional statement about why they should let me in… I don’t see why you wouldn’t take advantage of your last opportunity to say something!</p>
<p>My sons grades Fall semester were excellent so he included those along with a few other things he has done since the application was submitted in November.</p>
<p>@nenolam: I really hope they look through our whole application again and not just the optional statement… but I’m also gonna write something I just don’t know how to tell them what I wanna say, u know? I feel like everyone’s gonna be writing the same thing about why they should be admitted… :-/
Btw I feel your frustration and I’m also hoping for the best now bc UCLA was my first choice… really sucks how the randomest people get in 
If UCB is your first choice then I hope you get in there :)</p>
<p>Btw do you think it matters when we accept the waitlist offer? Or anytime till the 15th is okay?</p>
<p>Hey everyone, I was also waitlisted for bio/Env sci at L&S. I’m not all too disappointed, UCLA was probably like my 4th or 5th choice college, after berkeley, USC, Davis, and Irvine (they’re offering me some perks). It’s a fantastic university, just not what would best suit me personally. With that being said I’m even glad that I was waitlisted rather than flat out rejected (though I will not likely take the spot). Right now I’m just waiting on Berkeley, and I’m not giving up hope because last year there where a number of people who were waitlisted/rejected from UCLA who got into Berkeley (I know three of them personally). Also the major/school you choose can impact your chances, because at UCLA it is harder to get into environmental science because it is part of the college of letters and sciences unlike Berkeley where it has its own school (which is rumored to be one of the least impacted), so don’t assume that just because your not in at LA that Berkeley will reject you too. On top of that there is the reader factor, which can just be pure luck if you get an easy application reader or not, cause lets be honest not all readers are going to have the same opinions. Anyways enough with trying to make myself feel better:</p>
<p>SAT I: 1950 (670 CR, 680 M, 600 W)
SAT II: none
AP: APES (5) AP Eng Lan (4), APUSH (3)
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.5 W (though now with 1st semester grades it’s 4.8) valedictorian candidate
Senior year course load: Animal Husbandry, AP Calc AB, AP Eng Lit, AP Gov/H Econ, AP 2D Art, AP Chem
ECs: Volleyball (3 years), Science team (2 years, founder and captain), Chinese school (1 year during high school)
Community Service: field research in Peru through Earthwatch, keeper volunteer at the zoo, water district rep, elementary school garden volunteer, formed 4th grade tutoring program, organized composting workshop (600+ hours total)
Essays: one was pretty boring and general, but well composed. The other was supposedly very insightful about how my views of poverty and society after visiting an isolated Amazonian village while doing ecological research.</p>
<p>Good luck to everyone who is choosing to opt into the waitlist, because there does seem to be some amount of luck to college decisions, I mean how else would I even make it on the waitlist to UCLA? And good luck to everyone still waiting on Cal like me :)</p>
<h2>Hello. I got wait-listed too…</h2>
<p>9th: 3 Honors (instate)
10th: 1 AP 3 Honors
11th: 3 AP 1 Honor</p>
<h2>12th: 4 AP 1 Honor </h2>
<p>Rank: top 5% 25 / 650 students
UC GPA: 4.45 (In my junior year i got straight A)</p>
<h2>Senior Fall GPA: 4.63</h2>
<h2>SAT: 2000</h2>
<p>SAT II: Korean & Listening: 780</p>
<h2>SAT II: Math 2c: 740</h2>
-President at a school club. (3 years)
-volunteer at hospital (4 years)
-volunteer at dental office (4 years)
-Eagle Scout (8 years)
-COSMOS (2010 summer)
-NHS (4 years)
-CSF (4 years)
-Tutor (3 years)
-YMCA Basketball (2 years)
-Work (2 years) </p>
<p>Anyone think I can get off the waitlist??</p>