Hello, Anyone heard on GPPA interviews?

@brucewayne1998 There were interviews today, as well as tomorrow.

@glassflowers, thanks

I know I have posted on this chat before but is it too early to think that I have not made it? I mean when I went to Firestarter, they mentioned they have a 44% acceptance rate. I just really want to get in, or even get an interview and when I call them they are not giving me a straight answer as to what is going on and how the application process works. The dean of admission has already gotten 5 emails from me since November and I am scared I have annoyed her. I know another person I have talked to said that I might have a fair chance, its just everyday that goes by that I don’t get an email, it is getting scarier and scarier. Please could anybody fill me in about how the interview go, what your stats are which led you to get accepted. I think I wrote a decent essay and I had a lot of leadership roles in clubs and I am a varsity sports player and I have a 3.46 weighted GPA and 27 ACT. My academics is pretty much my weakest part, but i don’t know what to think. Help please?