@Joobycooby Not heard anything from Penn State/Jeff. I think that’s gone !! Did you guys hear anything?
Also are you done with UIC interview?

Yes, I got my interview request from Penn State/ Jeff in early January. My UIC interview is scheduled for tomorrow… pretty nervous.

@Joobycooby Hope UIC interview is done and you feel more comfortable and ready for Penn State/Jeff.

Thank you! I do feel a bit more comfortable with the process and hopefully I’ll be ready for PSU.

My daughter just received her interview invitation. In the note, it stated “During your visit, you will …, write an impromptu essay” Was anyone else asked to write an essay there?

@Truepassion it must be honors college interview. Yes they have multiple questions I think 4 or 5 and not just one essay to write. Was a very informative session for parents as well. Lot of Q&A and discussions. Well planned half a day for interview.

Yeah, it is a half day event and the interview is just part of the process actually. The dress code is business or business casual. I guess she has to well prepare herself before heading to Chicago.She is so excited right now.

@Truepassion I would recommend to keep dress code as business for her. I am sure you can be casual. Preparation would only help. No one knows what they will ask but getting prepared will give her more confidence. Which major has she applied or is thinking of doing?

Thank you very much for your suggestion! My daughter is applying GPPA PharmD. I know it is very competitive so we didn’t keep the hope high, plus we are out of state from Michigan. It will be a bonus if she can get in. She seem so ready to move into this career field. Thanks again!

Does anyone know if a parent is required to go with their child/applicant to their interview event? I know they said that their is a program for the parents to attend while the applicant is being interviewed, but it doesn’t say if the parent is required to come

Parents are not required for UIC interviews. You do not sign anywhere or mention that you as a parent visited. It is an informative session for the parents but not required at all.

@Truepassion I thought all GPPA had requirements you have to be an Illinois state resident but it could be different for pharmacy as I never researched for that.

UIC web said GPPA med and nursing requires Illinois residence, the rest are not but have very limited space for out of state students.

@Truepassion Out of state may still be a decent charge they would get more on tuition fees !!

How close is UIUC and UIC? I mean in relationship. My daughter was accepted by UIUC. I know UI pharmacy school is at UIC, and the best in the nation, If my daughter indeed get into UIC GPPA PharmD, will she receive education between the two universities and complete PharmD in 6 years, or she has to chose one over the other? It will be a tough decision if it truly happens.

I found this searching the web: UIC College of Pharmacy has an affiliation program with the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Upon satisfactory completion of all College of Pharmacy Conditions of Acceptance Requirements, a seat will be reserved at the UIC College of Pharmacy campus of choice (Rockford or Chicago). Was she admitted to Pharmacy major at UIUC?

Thank you very much for your information! UIUC doesn’t have a pharmacy major, unless we overlooked. She is admitted to Biochemistry, which is on pharmacy track. Thanks again!

@Truepassion Confused then on: It will be a tough decision if it truly happens. If she wants to do Pharmacy and gets into guaranteed program why will you consider any other program? There are no guarantees in life but the comfort on knowing what your final degree will be and no further application process should come first in mind than college ranking. Does UIC has an interview for GPPA Pharmacy?

Yes, my daughter is scheduled for GPPA Pharmacy interview on the 26th. We are not sure if she can get in yet. Yes you are right, if she can get into GPPA Pharmacy, maybe she doesn’t need to consider UIUC anymore.

Can anyone give me info on what are the average stats of people accepted into GPPA Medicine? Obviously it is extremely competitive.