<p>Well, it just posted! It's officially set for Early Action decisions to be online at 9 PM EST on December 15!</p>
<p>[MIT</a> Admissions](<a href=“http://www.mitadmissions.org/]MIT”>http://www.mitadmissions.org/)</p>
<p>so does that mean they have made decisions for all EA applicants?</p>
<p>Sweet, at least it’s not the 20th!</p>
<p>aaahhh! a definite date, FINALLY!</p>
<p>thanks for posting this, btw, I would’ve totally missed it–I’ve just been looking at the blog updates.</p>
<p>Am I the only one who still just sees “Hosed” as the most recent blog post?</p>
<p>its on the left of the blogs- under “admissions bulletins”</p>
<p>Dang this sucks, I have two exams the next morning…</p>
<p>Nevermind. Ha nice little box thing to the left. My bad!!</p>
<p>I’m going to die.</p>
<p>me too, toastmaster. my nervous twitch is back after a vacation :(</p>
<p>I do, Ana!!!</p>
No, it just means they can see the light at the end of the tunnel.</p>
<p>thank god its monday and not my weekend lol… im booked solid for DJing</p>
<p>Thank God!</p>
<p>I wanted it to be on 13th so that if it turns out to be positive then i could party all day long the next day which is my 18th BIRTHDAY.</p>
<p>Let the mayhem ensue! :)</p>
<p>aw man i was prepping for saturday. oh well at least its not the 20th</p>
<p>yeah man, and at least I don’t live on the east coast…I could never wait until 9 pm. I admire you east coasters greatly, or at least I admire your future selves.</p>
<p>but I’m SO glad to know when they are! I wouldn’t even mind if they had been the 20th, because I spent all day today worrying about when they would be.</p>
<p>^ that is sooo true (about knowing when)</p>
<p>Lol, waiting for MIT EA reminds me of waiting for SAT scores…Planning to camp out on the decisions website on 12/15 anyone?</p>
<p>for me, this is nothing like receiving my SAT scores. SATs can be retaken, and in the end don’t really affect your future that much. College decisions can shape your entire future!</p>
<p>My bff and I are going to have a little party that night. I might make some hash browns and they will either be celebratory or a consolation prize :D</p>