Oh SNAP....I Got A D In Calc.....Is Miami Out Of The Picture???

<p>If I have a 3.7W gpa still....and I'm top 10%.....a really tough schedule....and hopefully a 1300 SAT score.</p>

<p>Also have ec's like, tennis, key club, rak club, csf, and relay for life....also some leadership positions.</p>

<p>Are my chances shot? Or am I still good without having to replace the grade?</p>

<p>I don't really want to replace my D if I don't have to. I plan to major in media management (if that matters).</p>

<p>Also I'm a junior....any insight?</p>

<p>Does anyone have an answer?</p>

<p>I would retake it.... </p>

<p>getting a D won't keep a spot at Miami from you, but it won't get you one either</p>

<p>if the rest of your grades are straight A's all through high school and it's just this one class, they probably won't frown too much on it....... however, do you really want to bet, that you are going to get amazing grades your senior year of high school (when senioritis strikes, and believe me it does)???</p>

<p>What do senior year grades have to do with getting accepted? </p>

<p>I plan to apply early action, so how will they know my grades for next year, if i apply before I actually get them?</p>

<p>many times early action/early decision acceptance is contingent upon keeping up your grades. some schools do request updated transcripts from high schools and if they see that you have goofed off, they can pul their acceptance.</p>

<p>this happened to a friend of mine, who's son had gotten into Duke ED and then they withdrew their acceptance after his grades slipped senior year.</p>

<p>Well I'm one of those naturally smart people, who don't study or pay attention in class in still get A's.........BUT THIS YEAR IT BACK FIRED ON ME.......</p>

<p>So hopefully I will soon be headed in the right direction, and working to bring up my pitiful 1st semester grades....</p>


<p>Your senior grades WILL have to be sent to UM. Seriously, colleges don't only care about your freshman, sophomore, and junior grades....... if that were true, then there would not be a senior year!</p>

<p>Naturally smart people get screwed in college... the work gets too much to get by on only intelligence and the knowledge gained during advance classes in middle school. I would suggest you change your work ethic now, instead of waiting till you set foot on any college campus. </p>

<p>Also once you get to ANY college, you will quickly come to the difficult realization that you really aren't that smart... and that there are a ton of people who will beat you academically. When the professor announces that one person scored 100% on the last exam, I seriously doubt that would be you.</p>

<p>"Also once you get to ANY college, you will quickly come to the difficult realization that you really aren't that smart... and that there are a ton of people who will beat you academically. When the professor announces that one person scored 100% on the last exam, I seriously doubt that would be you."</p>

<p>And I don't plan on it being me......I am smart, but I don't compare myself to anyone. I honestly don't care if I get 100%, I wouldn't want to work that hard for a grade.</p>

<p>I'm not competitive about my grades with others, and I don't really care about what you have to say.</p>

<p>Senior grades will only affect me if I get deffered or accepted. My grades will be fine, I know what I'm taking next year, and I'll do great.</p>

<p>if you don't care what someone's opinion is, maybe you shouldn't post in a discussion forum...... I'm sure your brain has all the answers</p>