Ohio State Alumni Scholars Program

Does anyone know much about-- or have experience with – the Alumni Scholars Program? My D has been accepted to OSU and has just received an invitation to apply for an OSU Alumni Scholarship. From what I can tell, these are scholarships that are funded by OSU alumni clubs in various cities to benefit OSU students from that particular area. So, in our case, the OSU Alumni Club of Washington, D.C. reached out to us, inviting our D to apply. What I can’t tell is how much these scholarships are for. I have a feeling that they’re very small dollar amounts. But does anyone know more?

Congratulations on your D’s OSU acceptance! My D is a current freshman at OSU from Maryland. She was invited to apply last year for the OSU Alumni Scholarship, Baltimore chapter. I wondered if the invitation was spam because of the little information provided. She applied and never received a notification saying it was received,and ultimately never heard one way or another if she got the scholarship. I emailed the OSU Alumni chapter president on the website for more information and they told me that if she got it, it would be under her OSU financial tab with any other merit she received. I think the scholarahip was for $300-$500/year but may depend on how much each chapter raises for scholarships. Overall, I thought it was a very sketchy request to apply, and not very professional in its notification process. I guess It was nice to be asked though!

I am in Pittsburgh and I received the email from our chapter and it said they offer two (2) $2000 scholarships. I applied so we’ll see…

I received the same invitation from the Chicago chapter and it mentioned 2 individual scholarships awarded at $2500 each. Not sure whether this would lead to a scholar consideration?