Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Kinda hard to read overall but am I seeing a 10K increase in apps! Wow.

Any pearls of wisdom from anyone on the number of deferrals this year vs. last year? It seems like deferrals have gone up across all schools with the number of applications also.

Interviews for distinction are the 2nd week of March so it must be getting close.

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@lliveonacloud Does everyone need to interview to get Morrill? Or are the interviews only for distinction?

In the past year’s they told you either way about the morrill

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Interviews are only for distinction. In late-March/early-April you’ll be notified if you didn’t get Morrill.

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@beanthere @american1991 @lliveonacloud Thank you.

Has anyone gotten their decision for the honors college yet?

Yes, they have been coming out on a rolling basis for awhile.

thanks. how do they notify you?


Which email was it sent to? Your personal email or your Ohio State email?



We did a few weeks ago. DD was accepted in December.

Does anyone know how the question on class rank in scholarship universe works? If it says 94, does that mean she was calculated to be in the top 6 percent? Her school didnt rank so im guessing what they calculated her to. Is that the same rank they use for national buckeye?

That was my guess, but I don’t know for sure

I’m confused too. My application included a rank but my school doesn’t rank so wondering how they calculate it too.

Ethan, Does the number look right to you?

Not really

@Bigehrlich I’ve been wondering about that too. My daughter’s says 99 but thus far she hasn’t heard a word about the Buckeye.