Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Just happy. Abs see what she thinks this weekend ? It will be between Ohio and FSU at this point

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Hi All,

I wanted to share OSU president Kristina Johnson just announced the universities intention to increase the number of in-person courses in the fall akin to that of pre-pandemic. See this link.


That is AWESOME news. Now I just need to hope my son gets the Buckeye Scholarship so he can go

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Called Financial Aid/Admissions–said no letter mailed but to wait till 2nd week of March if we hear nothing. I know we will get a FInancial Aid “package” that will be nada cuz of EFC and that’s fine. But, now, pretty certain he will get nada in merit. They’d know by now I have no doubt. We will swing it. He will be there in the Fall. Would have been nice to get Buckeye. Ceste la vie!

Does anyone know when Financial aid will start to be released? They said late Feb but tmrw is the last weekday of February.

I was told the same thing on Monday… but I was still hoping one more batch of letters would go out … chances of that now seem slim :cry:

You never know. I thin working remotely is a definite kink in the process and given our last name starts with W, I will keep a small flicker of hope but If nothing shows up by next Tuesday or Weds, he got zero. Oh well. Can anyone who did get merit tell us if it came s part of the Financial Aid packet or in a letter all its own?

@ABW22003 I have the same sentiment. If nothing by Wed, it is a done deal. As I understand it, the merit letter is snail mail, separate from Financial Aid.

@giaclub I am right there with you. This will be my second child overlooked for merit. :broken_heart:

It’s just a letter explaining the merit award. Nothing else about financial aid.

It came in its own separate letter on 1/29. We haven’t received financial aid notification yet.

Yea…I’ll keep watching here. I’ll let ya know if anything comes but if she said “nothing has been mailed” and we are at 2/25 then well…likely nothing will be mailed! HAHAHA. Once he signs the NLI–another painful slow process I will update that. I have my fingers crossed for everyone else waiting! Please let us know!

Congrats. I just called and they said they cannot see anything on portal until the official letter was received. SO nothing could be given over the phone until the letter was actually mailed.

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I just got off the phone with Dale at Financial Aid. I quote, “there will be no letter or email stating a student did not receive merit/scholarship.” “If you haven’t received an email or notification by March 1, then assume there is no award.” Financial Aid letter comes mid march which is the typical FASFA. Sad that my daughter hasn’t received at top 1% of her class. Submitted test optional. Is dual enrolled with Pitt. And high stats otherwise, too.

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Has anyone heard official details on how RD/deferrals will come out? I see on the website 2/19,3/26 just like EA but saw in the thread that it could come out randomly until 3/26. Heard it was every Friday for EA too but obviously that was false. Wish there was more clarity.

We are in the same boat as you. Financial aid sends you to admissions and vice versa. I don’t agree on the March 1 though because the mail is so slow right now. I think I am going to suck it up and call

Good Luck calling!!! Fingers crossed for you

The part I didn’t get was that the person I spoke to said or at least he was trying to be nice about this… said “it would not be listed on portal or the screen he was looking at” until “after it was mailed” Yet, someone in this thread just recently posted that they told her that her daughter received merit before it was mailed.

How long does it take for the acceptance letter in the mail? I was accepted last Friday

Seems the focus was act and sat for merit. I think only one person in this thread got merit and applied test optional. Unless test optional is the last batch?

OK. I just spoke to Admissions office for the second time this week. Who knows if what I heard today is correct but it is more consistent with what I heard last week and not at all consistent with what I heard Monday which I knew was wrong. To summarize what I heard:

  • All merit is sent via snail mail and then placed in the portal

  • She claims they have only sent out the first batch and there is at least one more to come (for the record I don’t believe there was only one batch sent)

  • As soon as a letter is mailed they can see it in the system but not until one is sent

  • She believes there will be another batch that goes out tomorrow or early next week, but by the end of the first week in March that is all they expect to award

  • She was very vague on the ability to appeal but said we could request to be told why we didn’t get it (I am sure there will be some scripted response)

  • Unclaimed money is NOT redistributed

Take it all with a grain of salt. She was a student. Very nice and definitely smarter than the guy I spoke with last week.

She told me not to give up hope based on my son’s application

Any other thoughts?

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