Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

What was EA Rd 1 and 1 dates? Just curious.

Did you receive any confirmatory mail regarding the time slot for the Distinction Award interviews?

Also I think EA decision dates were December 11th and Jan 31st

When do the mail acceptance packages come?

Ahh, we got his 12/11. Thanks

I was accepted into the Honors Program last night via email. I was EA, in state, and received word of getting the Provost scholarship last, week, I believe.
I am homeschooled.
Good luck to all of you.

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How long do you think itā€™ll take for the admissions office to complete their review of all the RD applicants? I saw somewhere earlier in this thread that a representative said they donā€™t begin assessing deferred applicants until after they complete their final review of RD students. Iā€™m just trying to get a better timeframe of when Iā€™ll know my decision. I have a pretty good feeling, but itā€™s just very frustrating having to wait to hear for so long.

I donā€™t know why there is so much confusion here in this thread. The last decisions for RD will be released on the date in mid March (26th i think but not entirely sure). This is on the OSU admissions website


Funny because my best friend who was also deferred got accepted a couple of days ago (Not the 19th)

What date did he here and was it on the portal?


She heard last Friday! She told me that it just changed from deferred to accepted when she checked the portal.

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I just had my Morrill Distinction interview. Whew, I was NERVOUS! It only lasted about 5 minutes for meā€¦ hopefully not a bad sign. They said we will find out in mid-March whether or not we get the Distinction scholarship.


I called today because i didnā€™t hear anything and was told a letter that my daughter got the national buckeye scholarship was mailed 2/24 and to give it 1-2 weeks to arrive. They donā€™t post anything about it on the portal - just a mailed letter. Good luck!

it wonā€™t be on the portal - they only tell you with a mailed letter. but you can call and ask

@db1229 Congratulations! We saw a letter from OSU in our mail preview this morning, so my daughter called to find out if it was that coveted letter she has been patiently waiting for. It is, she received the National Buckeye and I will say there were some ugly crying going on in my house this morning. We are so happy for her.

I will say, Iā€™ve been on both sides. It took us a very long time to reconcile that our deserving son did not receive it back in 2018. Ultimately, he ended up at a school that was perfect for him, and he never looked back.

I am holding out hope for everyone still waiting and my heart goes out to those who donā€™t.


Happy to hear that for her! ! I might have to look into that mail preview thing; sounds cool.

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Thatā€™s wonderful! Can imagine the relief in this one.

Yeah I signed up for Informed Delivery too, superfast to activate it and I look forward to the daily digest email that lets me preview what mail Iā€™m getting and then decide if it is worth a trip to the mailbox that day, what with all the Midwest snow we had a couple of weeks ago. :laughing:


Accepted back in December and FINALLY got merit award in the mail today. Had almost given up hope.