Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Awwww I’m so happy for you, I actually got tears in my eyes reading your description! Sorry you had to wait so long, but it sure was worth the wait!

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You know that even through my tears, I am crying happy ones for you guys. Found my sister I never knew I had in this process

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My daughter got her National Buckeye Merit Award in today’s mail as well!

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@wlehockey, I am so glad our paths have crossed, and I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

@rbc2018 @LDL @ABW22003 @Aksai108 Thank you so much!

@Jen136 @Clover2018 Congratulations!

We are still nervously awaiting word on the Morrill Scholarship. My Daughter is checking her personal email every day hoping for some positive news. I am guessing if she does not hear by 3/12 or so, its not going to happen.


Congrats! I just called them…nothing in their system so I 'm thinking now its a pretty solid NO to the Buckeye. But he will be there in the Fall regardless. The cake and icing are good, the lack of cherries on top won’t keep us from eating it! HAHAHA! I am very happy for everyone who did get the various scholarships and have hope for those still waiting. My fingers are crossed for everyone. Go Buckeyes!!


@H0llyw00d Congrats! Happy for you .

Unfortunately we just confirmed with admissions it’s a zero for us. So heartbreaking because my older daughter received provost + Buckeye . She is a sophomore and loves it. We lulled ourselves into thinking second child would also receive something… So it’s major disappointment and not sure yet what we’re going to do. :cry:

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I’m so sorry.
When you called, did they look into the system and it stated no?
I was told that if there is nothing in the system, it is still a maybe and that scholarships are ongoing for the month of March. Did they indicate that it’s over for the EA applicants?

Does nothing in the system mean no? Did they tell you what the scholarship date cut-off is for EA?

Trust me I have been on the phone ALL day. All merit scholarships are in the system at this point. If it is not in the system you are not getting it. I am still waiting on more information. Merit comes via snail mail but is already in the system. Financial aid is ongoing

Do you know if 3/12 is the cut off date for all scholarships including Buckeye or just Morrill?

I believe it is just Morrill. I was told by two AOs today that Buckeye is done. Unless something crazy happens.

They said nothing was in our file and and at this point we should just wait for financial aid package. We applied EA, accepted in December. We didn’t receive aid at any other school so I’m expecting zero here too.
My only hope is a sibling discount? Is that even a thing???

How frustrating. Did they tell you when was the last day merit was put into the system?

No I saw another post that said a batch of merit was sent on 2/24. I don’t know if that was the last one sent tho

When I called on Thursday, they told me the Buckeye was still being sent out and to call next week. Maybe there were some sent on Friday? Or maybe they were just trying to be nice?

I was just told by OSU that Morrill Scholarship notifications will continue through the end of March. There’s still time for Hope (or disappointment)!


Don’t give up hope. I just got morrill on Friday

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