Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

I still haven’t heard anything from the honors college. I was accepted in January. Should I be concerned?

Waiting for the NLI is killing me! I don’t want to start telling people until my pen in on the paper so the wait seems like forever. Congrats to your son on signing his NLI! I will definitely see him there next fall!

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I was admitted EA and received my honors admission on 1/15. Good luck!

Deferred to RD in December, does anyone know when we will find out if we got in?

March 26

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Thank you waiting on pins and needles.

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Do you know if all sports at Ohio State gives money? If you don’t get money or NLI but the coach has been in contact with you all along and says things like we are securing our roster but no mention of athletic scholarship what does that mean? Do I email the coach and ask? Super awkward and I’ve never asked. On my financial aid to do’s there’s a thing that says student athlete but I confirmed that doesn’t mean athletic scholarship it just means that I am a student athlete.

Ya know, I really don’t know. I just told the coach that I would like to make a decision as soon as possible and he said he would let me know an estimate for scholarship. A few weeks later he gave a minimum number to expect for freshman year. I was a bit surprised that I got any athletics money because me sport is kind of obscure and I wasn’t sure how much there was to give. I know it is awkward but I think the best thing to do is ask. You could also ask if there is opportunity in the future to be given an academic scholarship if you move up the team and become a start player. From what I understand, at least for my sport, is that your performance is evaluated at the end of each year to see if you can get more scholarship.

Thanks! And yes…it took almost a month from official offer to getting the NLI! I imagine a school the size of OSU has a bunch each year and to do them right and get them all signed remotely is probably making this year a pain. Let us know when you sign! Let us know the sport when you can. My boy’s name is Nathan.

Don’t be shy about asking about money! But you won’t get a penny till you get a spot on the team and you will know without a doubt when that happens. As part of an official offer, the coach should tell you a rough amount, usually a percentage of a full grant. I think its based on weather your in state or out of state. The percentage and the amount stated in the offer my son received was just right for what that would be for out state. Only the big sports get the full ride bucks the vast majority of the other sports get pieces of the full total scholarships a coach gets…say 3.6 total for a team of 10. But if you get an offer to play you should be getting a dollar amount.

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I received Excellence by email a while back and Distinction by phone call. I would be shocked if they’re still announcing…

Yeah, I haven’t seen any one else notified for Morrill after me. I’m guessing it may have been the last notification day.

has anyone recieved any of the ohio state scholarships from scholarship universe that were due back in february

We have been told directly that Morrill Scholarship notifications will continue through the end of February. You may recall they extended the original deadline into mid January.

The end of February has passed? And I was emailed about the scholarship at the end of February.

My daughter was told by the Morrill Scholars program representatives that she would be notified about Morrill whether she was accepted or rejected. I would be surprised at this point if she get it.

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My bad…end of March…we were told this directly the first week of March

We were told all notifications would continue til the end of March. The deadline for applications was extended well into January and they have many to review…so its still possible to be awarded a scholarship

Congratulations on the Distinction award! My daughter also received the glorious call on Monday. She is in Scholars and also Political Science. Waiting for the Housing email to come through.

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Anyone else feel like getting deferred to regular decision is more like a waitlist at OSU?

I’m starting to wonder if my son would have been better off just applying regular decision!