Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

I’m curious if there are decisions waiting to be seen once the system re-opens.

Let’s hope so.


Yea I hope they release a decent amount of decisions after the re-open, when will the website be functioning again?

5p today (Sunday)

It’s open now

And mine still says evaluation fyi

Yep, same… this is sooooo annoying, hoping we hear something before they go for their break

Complete speculation, but since they usually announce on Fridays, and aren’t closing completely until the 25th, they may announce some on the 24th since it acts as a ‘Friday’ with Christmas being the next day. Especially since they didnt this past week.


Just an fyi…
I know everything is different this year, but last year acceptances came about every 3 weeks. We tracked it in the results thread. Here’s the last one posted…

Looks like the report used to track it is no longer publicly available.

eta: format is more readable if you tap the arrow for the drop down.

just received an email that i got into honors!


Congrats!! Did you get the email on your personal email or buckeyemail?

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was it sent in your regular email or through your buckeye email and congratulations

email received 12/20 on acceptance to Honors program


Still evaluation… sigh…

Congrats!!! Can’t figure out how to get onto Buckeye email… not same sign in, don’t know S21’s Buckeye email address. Any suggestions about how to retrieve that? Thank you

I don’t believe my son’s buckeye email was set up by the school until after he was accepted. Best of luck to your son! Waiting for an admission decision is so hard!

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I think my DD told me the directions were in the acceptance letter that she received in the mail

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Ours came via regular email, NOT the Buckeye account.

Did anyone who was accepted of Friday December 11 still not get the envelope in the mail ? My daughter has not yet

We have not yet received the physical piece of paper and were accepted on 12/11. I imagine it has to do with what college your daughter got accepted to. My daughter got accepted into Arts and Sciences and there’s just more volume there. We’re not concerned… it will come.