Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Crossing both of my hands! Can’t stand the wait

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I agree! I’m anxious to hear too!! Sending positive vibes out to everyone!!

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The first round of EA decisions will be out on the 11th of December, according to the website.


That’s true, although the website also includes an asterisk that notes “subject to change.” So, theoretically, it could be today. (Though I doubt it.)

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So I see what you guys mean by the two dates on the website but are they just straight up sending half of the decisions on those specific days or is the timeframe Dec 11 to January 29 and they are releasing every Friday?

As far as my D21 was told, all EA decisions will be released on one of those two dates (unless something has changed).

Does anyone know if Ohio state sends an email notification of status change? Or do we just obsessively check the portal all day next Friday?

I plan to wait till later in day to check. No sense in hitting refresh all day

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Historically, no email. You just have to keep checking the portal. It takes them a bit to then send the packet but they will! Our '21 OSU grad did the frantic “refresh” all day long and it was late, like after 10:00 PM when it finally came through. Kid #2 had a different college in mind and I just happened to log in and see it. Kid #3 REALLY WANTS OSU - so here we are again - refreshing… :slight_smile: good luck everyone!!


So I’m guessing no one heard anything yesterday for EA? I was hoping that the Dec 4 and then every Friday acceptance release was going to happen. Oh well - hopefully D will hear next week! Good luck to all!

@ohiomomof3 I know you feel. When my S18 applied a few years ago, he was refreshing for hours. Decisions started coming out at 4, and most of those were rejections. My son received his acceptance at 5:50 pm. My D21 is anxiously awaiting her decision and is worried she won’t receive a December decision.

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@sotubotu It appears they are going with the decision dates they’ve been publicizing (12/11 & 1/29).


Thank you everyone!! This will be my daughter’s toughest school so far. She got admitted to Mizzou, Iowa & Baylor but hoping OSU says yes!!! Fingers crossed.


Looks like they put the admissions report behind a firewall. My daughter got in last year and is a freshman now in the Fisher School and lives in the John Glenn Civic Leadership Community. She is loving the school though not her first finals week. Anyway just wanted to share the below information which compares 2020 v 2021:
Applications, Accepted, Acceptance Fee Paid
40759 - 47612, 7503 - 132, 434 - 132

These reports come out weekly on Mondays Admissions Reports > Analysis and Reporting > The Ohio State University . Looks like applications are up but as previously noted admittances haven’t really come out yet.

Good luck to all applicants!


Another applicant waiting to hear, though I think he’s going to end up with Miami (OH), (haven’t gotten that acceptance, yet, either but merit is so much more generous). Good luck to everyone!

Does anyone have any idea how they decide who gets admitted in which wave? Do they prioritize apps submitted early, more qualified applicants, or just random?

@AnoopS An AO told my D21 that it was random, but there is no way to really know the answer to that question. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for good news on Friday!

@AnoopS It seemed random last year. My son applied kind of early on but didn’t hear until January. He got a sizable scholarship, so I don’t think weaker candidates are last. Perhaps they do them in batches by college/major? No idea.

@Amytude would suggest doing the math. This is now our third child to apply to both Miami and OSU. Both older two really got nice packages from Miami but Miami’s cost starts higher than OSU. OSU does give out less in merit awards but when you put them side by side, the costs don’t end up being as different as you think. I made our third apply to Miami as well (for the same reason) but his first choice will be OSU!!

do you receive your decision about the honors/scholars program and also scholarships with your admissions decision?