Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Does anyone know how they split decisions into groups? Like who is finding out tomorrow Vs january?? Is it by date applied (if so what’s the cutout), or something else

@asdfgabjkl The AO told my daughter the decisions are random (but we’ll never know how accurate of a statement that is). All we can do is hope we get good news tomorrow. Good luck to everyone!

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Does anybody know what time they will release the decisions tomorrow or if they will even be released all at one time or scattered throughout the day?

The decisions are split into two groups. The lucky ones and the ones who have to wait another 6 weeks. :laughing:

It’s a terrible system, but what are you going to do?

does anyone know what time decisions start to come out?

do we find out about scholarships and honors/scholars programs when decisions come out?

Not sure whether it will be the same this year, but when my son applied three years ago he was accepted early action just before Christmas and did not get scholarship letter until mid-February. He ended up at UW-Madison. We are now waiting on my younger son’s OSU decision - hoping it will come tomorrow.

This is our first time applying to Ohio State. My son submitted his FAFSA back in mid-October. Looking at the financial aid information page, it appears as though he needs to complete a Scholarship Universe application as well. Is that already available to complete or does he wait for an admission decision first? Is the link to the Scholarship Universe application available through the application status portal? Do all students need to complete the Scholarship Universe application to be considered for merit aid or just for additional departmental scholarships? Sorry for all the questions. We just want to make sure that we don’t miss any critical deadlines.

Do they send an email out when they update your status or do you just keep checking?

Looking back at past years threads it looks like they start in late afternoon (approx. 3:30 EST) releasing decisions in hourly batches before they just appear to just stop randomly later in the evening


@SwedishChef12 Last year it was a weird trickle of decisions that would start in the late afternoon and continue until evening, and repeat on random Fridays through January. For some reason they don’t just release a batch at a time, but maybe that will be different this year since they’ve announced two firm dates.

So I actually talked with an admissions counselor yesterday, and he said that they start to release them 4 weeks after November 15. He said that we all should receive a decision from today until the beginning of January. And they are released every Friday


That is awesome news. I spoke with someone the other day and she was thoroughly confused and even questioned the Dec. 11 and Jan. 29 date until I pushed her by telling her it was on the website. What you heard makes MUCH more sense. Why would they only do 2 releases that are six weeks apart. Was non-sensical. Hopefully we hear today, but at least if we don’t we know if won’t be six more weeks

Someone on the A2C subreddit talked to an AO of tOSU, they said they are releasing in two batches. Today and Jan 29 so idk rn

@cliu36 @wlehockey I’m just REALLY hoping we hear back today. My anxiety can’t handle another possible few weeks UGH

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@ncelotto Don’t you love how it’s a different answer every time someone calls?? :crazy_face: I hope a lot of people get good news today!

IKR? Good luck to all

An AO told my daughter that it was two batches. It kind of makes sense that they release the decisions they have today and then give themselves time to review the remaining applications over the next month and a half. However, releasing a bunch every Friday or every other Friday (like they’ve done in the past) would definitely lessen the stress of having to wait another six weeks for a decision. Good luck to everyone!

Does anyone know what time specifically?

I think I read here, based on prior years, it’s from 3:30 till evening. My dd got the same info on zeemee.

Does anyone know if the Scholarship Universe Portal indicates an acceptance? I logged in and it said “Which Ohio State University College are you admitted to or enrolled in?” which beside it has the college I applied to and then below it says “Which Ohio State University Campus are you admitted to or attending?” and it says Columbus. Could be nothing but just makes me curious.