Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

I got the Morrill Prominence Award, OOS, full-tuition, and have been selected to interview for the full-ride distinction award! Its so crazy what a passionate essay can do for you…(I am a white, upper-middle-class, female)


Email for me!

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Email for me too

and how many days before the MSP notification did you get into OSU?

Do you all think Ohio state admissions seem to be easier harder or the same this year compared to previous years

@Scooter4 Last year they accepted a bunch more than usual in the late spring because of concerns that covid would reduce students starting college in the fall or being able to travel (especially international students). They were protecting enrollment numbers and they lowered their standards slightly to do that, ending up with the largest freshman class in their history. This year I have no idea! They weren’t alone, I know plenty of other schools that did the same (for example, Virginia Tech and UVA both took a lot more kids off their waitlist than normal to protect enrollment numbers).

I got notice of admission in december.

Congrats! What did you focus your essay on?

Thank you! I structured my essay around what diversity means to me and how i’ve worked to advance it in society.

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anybody got invitation to apply to alumni schloars program?

I did

Yes my son also did.

does everyone get that?

anybody else has “search for classes” pop up in their portal, swear that showed up out of nowhere for me

I have that as well but it doesn’t do anything when I click it.

Does anyone remember how long before they were accepted that people started to notice their college universe question was locked?

Personally, mine is not locked right now and it is worrying me.

Mine was just locked a few days ago

How do you check that?

Okay, thank you so much for sharing!