Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

No, as I’ve said, the locks mean nothing. All it means is they evaluated your application.

Yes, I do have one friend who was deferred and isn’t locked.

Also, mine has never once been locked, which is why I believe they are a good sign of being admitted. I really hope I am wrong though.

Where do you see the lock/unlock?

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schloarship universe

On admitted one it says Columbus, or whichever campus you were admitted to, and when you hover the lock it says “This question has been answered by your school and can’t be edited”


Here is their page regarding admission into majors, i.e. enrolled from the start in the major-- which, it looks like, most of them do in some form, but with variations and worth checking for specifics:

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I applied Mid-December as an international. But most of my questions were locked on 12/31/2020 except high school GPA, which was locked on 1/11/2021.

The “application” section of the scholarship website also said I have the following “ready to start” applications, due on 15, Feb.

“College of Engineering Additional Incoming Freshman Application”
“The Ohio State Scholarship Application”
“College of Engineering General Scholarship Application”

Anyone see the same thing? thx

Yes I do.

It seems like they changed their way of admitting to Fisher. When I initially called to inquire I was told they if you apply to business and dont get in you are considered for admission into university. For this reason my daughter applied to the business program and luckily got in. I recently read the link that says business majors are direct admit if accepted to Columbus campus. This is conflicting - grateful that it worked out.

In my scholarship universe, it says “In what percentage of your high school class did you graduate?” and OSU answered with a number in the 90s (don’t want to doxx) despite my school not doing class rank. How could OSU determine a class rank if it doesn’t say on my transcript and my school doesn’t do it?

I read somewhere that they take the pool from your high school applicants and calculate your rank based on the HS pool of applicants…I saw this somewhere! Our HS doesn’t rank so I was digging for the same question…not sure how they calculate though.


So for those of you who were already admitted, when you got the notice, were you told to check the Scholarship Universe to apply for scholarships? How did everyone know to look there?

Checking through emails now but I think we just randomly found it after setting up our Buckeyelink accounts and email.

Update: There is a link in the acceptance email for the next steps and one of the things to do is be sure to submit FAFSA and check Scholarship Universe.

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I just want to reiterate again that the scholarship universe locks do NOT indicate acceptance. The school locks them as they evaluate your application but it has nothing to do with the decision. If yours are locked, you can easily be denied this Friday. On the other hand, if yours aren’t locked you could get in. The locks mean absolutely nothing.

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hoping for the best this friday… my stats aren’t really up to what they typically accept but i have my fingers crossed

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We were accepted early Dec and hadn’t received anything about Honors and Scholars, Fin Aid, or Scholarships. Before we withdrew the application the other day we asked about them and they said it was still being worked on and would be a few more weeks. So those who have been accepted don’t give up hope on that even though some have already heard back.


I feel like from what I have heard from reading this thread that everything is particularly competitive this year. I am shocked to hear that people with 29 ACT are getting deferred. Is Ohio State just getting much more selective or competitive… or what? I got accepted in December and I was expecting some merit scholarships but now I’m not so sure. I applied for test-optional with a 3.95UW and 4.125W and with 7 AP classes and 9 tests. Does anyone have any insight on who’s going to get the buckeye scholarship and things with admissions alone looking more competitive?

Not sure how it’s going to work now with the min SAT/ACT removed but like I said previously they are still saying a few weeks. Our daughter had 4.0 UW, 8 AP’s, 14 Honors, and she still hadn’t heard anything before we had to withdraw her application recently.