Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

the gender question has always been there but it changed from locked to unlocked, at least for me

idk yā€™all this is making me so nervous i donā€™t know what to expect

I donā€™t mean to be a pessimist, but in my opinion, if your question is still locked, you are admitted.

I 100% agree. If your question was unlocked, you are deferred or denied.

can someone provide me w some insights on my stats haha


okay so OOS, 3.5 UW Gpa 4.0 W, 7 honors and 3 aps, outstanding letters of rec, tons of extra curriculars and lots of community service hours, part time job, alum family members and unique essays. But i went in test optional bc my school didnā€™t provide sat or act testing due to covid

osu is my first choice and but i already got accepted to penn state u of south carolina and many others i just donā€™t know i can compare my acceptances to those w this one

oh and i graduated early ahead of my class bc i have extra credits

PSU might be comparable but I think OSU is harder to get into than PSU. With what you provided iā€™d say you have about a 50/50 shot at OSU but thats a very rough estimate. I have extremely low stats btw and I got the question unlocked. I knew I was gonna get denied anyway though.

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ya i think imma get deferred, its my top 2 choice, question just got unlocked

thank you so so much! good luck to you tho stay optimistic

But didnā€™t you think the campus being locked in the beginning meant nothingā€¦ Now it means something bad?
I read post of yours a couple days ago saying how you believe that Scholarship Universe means absolutely nothingā€¦ What changed?
in my opinion I dont think anyone should worry about the campus being unlocked im in state and my campus just became unlocked this eveningā€¦ It still says Columbus for me and has the regional branches listed at the bottom.

I did say a few days ago it meant nothing, however back then almost everyoneā€™s was locked. Now that were seeing the changes I think it actually does mean something.

Mine are both unlocked now too :frowning:

i would just say to take the scholarship universe answers with a grain of salt.


so basically the initial sample is almost everybody who commented on here has their question unlocked, its strange af, im taking this with a grain of sait

If there is a question that is locked and you want to check it against an OOS accepted to Columbus campus I can do that.

did you have the what campus question locked?

all my locks were previously locked, now my campus question and gender question has a pencil on it instead of the lock