Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

im sports industry

3.61 UW/3.74 W GPA but sat optional and have good essays and lors

My daughter would like to study early elementary education at OSU.

aerospace engineering

32 ACT. 4.0 unweighted. Neuroscience

Special education major

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are there certain majors that are harder to get into than others? if so which

Psychology/Arts and Sciences
29 ACT
3.9 GPA

Does anyone have a “search for classes” green tab above the holds and to do list. I just noticed that today and I think its new for me? Its in the application center.

My daughter is applying to Arts and Sciences program with focus on Biology.

When you look at your portal today, does it currently say still under evaluation? Thanks!


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I have it.

That seems promising. Having my son check for that.

My son has that. Maybe everyone does? I hope it means something positive and that not everyone has it.

I submitted my application in September and it has said under evaluation since October. I think it just means that they are reviewing it :))

I think everyone has the search for classes button

decisions are trickling out according to the a2c subreddit

@cliu36, can you post the link to that subreddit forum?

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cant post link on here cc won’t let me BUT go to r/a2c and go to ea decisions subreddit (should be on the top of the page) and scroll down to tOSU and sort out that post via new

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