Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Yeah people are definitely getting decisions. Anyone here seeing a decision on the portal?

seeing ppl getting mad deferals on a2c

nope still evaluation

Maybe deferrals come out first. My son’s is still in evaluation.

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same, mine still says evaluation. you think they’re gonna keep coming or we’ll have to wait until jan. 29th?

They’ll keep coming well into the evening.

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@cliu36 I found it. I did see one person that got accepted. :grinning:

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Mine is still evaluation

Last year they started in the afternoon and trickled out into the evening. It was ridiculous!

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Mine in evaluation still, too.

same. 3.7/4.3 Gpa
No Sat applied for business

Does anyone know if they are starting with in state/out of state today?

Status is still in “Evaluation”

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in evaluation for in state

Guys my status still says evaluation but check the ScholarshipUniverse application. I went to the applications tab and the Ohio State Scholarship application popped up. I clicked start and scrolled to the bottom where it tells you the specific college you’re admitted to and it was locked by OSU. So I made it in!!!

what is scholarship universe? did we have to do that?

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i got the same thing, (education and human ecology) but date was 10/28 was locked for me

What is the Scholarship Universe? Was this something else they had to set up? I will have my daughter check that. Is it found in the application portal?

How do i see if i got in

You can access it through buckeyelink and it’s not something that needs to be submitted until February