Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Only if you can prove that you moved to Ohio for reasons other than to gain a tuition advantage and are entirely self-supporting for at least a full year. This would require working at a job where you can earn enough to pay for housing, food, car expenses, all other living expenses; and changing your drivers license and voting registration, etc. Most states have really tightened up their regulations in recent years. Utah is the only state I know of that makes it easy. I’ve also heard (but not researched) that Missouri may be relatively easy.

Edited to say that @dragonflies1 also posted this information.

Your child will get an email (not you) and there will be an “accepted” packet in the mail!! Congrats (still brings a tear to my eye!!)

My S21 OOS was accepted today with 1340, but he has a lot of holistic application elements that were surely considered, and it might go by school/major too

Anyone received the Morill Scholarship? After the first batch on Jan 8th, haven’t seen any one receiving it so far…my daughter has applied and haven’t heard back yet.

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if my application still says eval does that mean I was deferred?? or my decision just hasn’t come through yet? I checked and everything was submitted so im very confused

Hasn’t been received yet.

They are on a rolling basis. Got in Dec 11th and still says being evaluated for Honors n Scholars, etc.

In state
4.0 unweighted
32 ACT
Strong extracurriculars
Neuroscience major

Do scholarship notifications come with the mailed letter of acceptance or afterwards and separately?

in the first round, my DD was accepted between 11:30 pm to 6am. Her portal was not updated until the morning. It is possible more acceptance will be going out.

in the letter you will receive, it says scholarships will not be awarded until sometime in February.

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If we deferred, would I be able to email the admissions office and/or send it extra material such as my senior year grades or updated extracurricular/volunteering. I had a huge volunteering event that I completely forgot to put down on my application and was wondering if I’d be able to add that in. If not my senior year grades are looking pretty good. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try!

sooo is it pretty much that everyone has received their decision or are some people still under eval?

im still evaluation

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He submitted SAT scores at 1510 and 4.67 W GPA. Our school doesn’t do rank either, but would think he’s in the top 10% of his class. His ECs weren’t exceptional, just regular I would say.

i was deferred oos too

If it helps, a scholarship expert whom I follow on Facebook asked me to run the NPC on the OSU website. She said if these scholarships came up on the NPC, then chances were that he would get it. I kept my hopes up based on that and it got cofirmed today. So check that out too on their website and keep an eye out in the mailbox. I’ll update on his portal soon.

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Nice job… My son had great ECs and leadership. He just didn’t submit scores because everything was canceled. His GPA is close to your son’s. His school doesn’t really rank either but he is in a club only inviting top 5% and OSU had him listed as 97th percentile. Like I said the recruiter said a 29 was what was needed for the Buckeye Scholarship (and that was on the website last year), but test optional throws everything for a loop. We did not get anything in the mail, I will have him check his portal after practice


We are obviously very much alike. I have run the NPC multiple times. The issue is the NPC requires you to enter the test scores in order to proceed and when I run that it comes up, but we didn’t send scores. If he doesn’t get it I am going to appeal and send them the scores if we have to.

Then there’s every reason to believe that it’s coming soon. Fingers crossed!!! It sounds like like OSU is definitely one of his top choices. :hugs: