Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

check out this - it’s the weekly report. seems like there has already been more people admitted before the deferrals than everyone last year. not a good sign for deferrals?

wait what does that mean

The weekly report is a comparison from this time this year (1/31/21) to the same time last year (2/2/20)… so not as bad as it seems I don’t think.

Can you link that site please? I’d like to take a look

[Admissions Reports > Analysis and Reporting > The Ohio State University] Then on the left you will see a link to Weekly Report.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Hi! My daughter got deferred and we indicated in the common app test optional but in the OSU portal we could see her trial test score from the first time. Is there anything we can do from our end to make sure she secures the bag for the next round of decisions? Thanks!
P.S. Are the chances of getting admitted after being deferred slim? I appreciate a response.

I am not sure how accurate this is, but I heard that an AO said that they accepted too many applicants in the first batch in December, that they had to defer so many this round. Maybe they are waiting to see who accepts before accepting those they deferred?

Where did you hear that? Seems unlikely looking at the weekly report.

@Buckeye2207 Curious, did she indicate, on her ACT/SAT signup, to send her scores to OSU?

I heard that from someone that spoke to Admissions on Friday.

I am not sure I will check with my daughter but my concern is since she decided for test optional I don’t know how OSU has her score in their portal. Do I need to contact school in this regard?

I am not sure I will check with my daughter but my concern is since she decided for test optional I don’t know how OSU has her score in their portal. Do I need to contact school in this regard?

I haven’t had a decision yet, but back when I put my application in I looked at my transcript and i noticed that my ACT scores were on it. I asked my guidance counselor about this because I am test-optional and didn’t want them to see the scores, and he said I wouldn’t have to worry because they wouldn’t look at it. Maybe he was wrong? But this is just an idea so I wouldn’t take it seriously.

I talked to an AO yesterday and they told me that they released 25,000 decisions on Friday which is much more than they are used to in one day, which is why some people haven’t received decisions yet. I don’t know about having to defer more people, though.

so chances of being accepted after deferral are slim?

When looking at the report, the first several pages compare Spring 2020 to Spring 2021 - which likely were impacted severely by students taking a gap semester at the start of the school year. You need to scroll to page 10 of the report to see the Autumn 2020 to Autumn 2021 numbers. While acceptances are up slightly year over year, the percent of kids who have committed to Ohio State at this point in the admissions process is WAY down. This may be due to kids applying to more schools than normal or waiting on financial aid before committing to schools this year. Based on that information, I think this bodes well for applicants who were deferred. If fewer applicants are committing to OSU, the school may feel the need to admit more who were deferred or waitlisted.


thank you!

I don’t think so. I think it depends on so many factors, but mostly how many accept their offers that were already accepted.

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That’s awful - OSU might have the worst process in the country…