Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Got it. Yes, my son was awarded National Buckeye last year and I didn’t remember him filling out scholarship universe. I only asked to make sure something hadn’t changed.

RBC2019–the Universe is for “other” scholarships…its a painfully long thing! HAHA But Nat’l Buckeye and Provost and the other Maxillus? are figured based in the application and nothing more. You are automatically in the running. My son applied before 11/1. Was accepted around 12/8/20. We wont get ‘aid’ and we have not yet heard a peep about the merits. But…he accepted his admission Saturday. I hope to see some kinda merit. Every other school (6 of the 7) had provided merit aid number with in a week or two of acceptance. I guess OSU’s side makes it a more arduous process. I dunno. He is also getting an athletic scholarship as well. With hos GI Bill money from mom, we should be good for year one. I hear they keep kids and vets at IN state even after the GI BILL runs out. I asked an they seem to indicate that they do.

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Sorry for my long reply–I saw after the fact you replied. HA

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Yep, this has been answered, thanks! Son last year got National Buckeye, etc.

Do merit scholarship awards show in the portal??? Or is it just notification by mail?

Does anyone know how many Provost awards are given each year? Just curious.
Also, is there any past indication caught as to the likely hood of getting into honors if you have one of these scholarships? Thanks!

The campus is walkable, which is what my daughter did last semester between classes. This semester she is fully online (though on campus) so not really a factor.

Wondering the same. In-state D21 still has not heard about Honors or Scholars but she received the $3K Maximus Scholarship at the end of January and we were hoping that was a good sign, but definitely starting to worry she may not get an invite.

Has anyone in state received word on some of the smaller merit scholarships?

It seems so random…my daughter was accepted 12/11, received honors end of Jan. and got Provost scholarship today(which is less than the Maximus your received).

My S was accepted 12/11 and got Scholars in January. Still no word at all on any merit

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Today we did via mail. Provost scholarship. In state.

I just be remembering you and your son at least once everyday. Please post here once you guys hear. Praying for it.

I promise I will. We were there this weekend for a visit. He fell in love with it.

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D has received Provost today in the mail! Also spoke to admissions about Morrill here’s what they said

“Since you have been notified of your admission decision in the latest round of decision releases, your application profile is currently being reviewed by the Morrill Scholarship committee. They will review your information and notify you of your decision in the next few weeks.

Only admitted students who receive a merit scholarship, the Morrill scholarship, or a financial aid package are sent that communication with further instructions on how to view their awards”

Here’s to hope!!

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What does the last paragraph mean? If you haven’t been awarded the Morrill for instance, you won’t hear about not having won it? Or do they send out information either way?

How nice! What are some of the things he loved? And what major is he planning for, don’t know if I asked before.

Was accepted on 1/29/21, applied by EA deadline.

OOS, #1 of +/- 400, 1480 SAT, lots of ECs, 4.0 UW, 4.45 W, Civil Engineering.

Just received National Buckeye @ $13.5k per year (max) and Maximus @ $3k per year (max) for $16.5k per year renewable. Award letter came by mail today.


He is planning on majoring in politics, philosophy and economics with a career goal of FBI agent. He is just getting concerned because so many have heard about scholarships and he hasn’t. He has great grades and great ECs

Wow. That’s great to know. He seems to have it figured out. Now make it happen OSU!! :relaxed: