Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

My daughter is high stat (admitted on 1/29) and also hasn’t heard anything yet about merit, so hopefully it’s still coming.

I sincerely hope so. He’s been a Buckeye since birth. We met with the recruiter but that was before Covid and test optional.

My son got accepted back in December. The wait is brutal.

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My daughter is a 4.6 GPA, 34 ACT, 8 AP’s all 5’s on tests, tons of EC’s, 4 year - 3 sport athlete. She was given the honors college, and we received the Scholarship info in the mail today. She only got $3K - we are in state. I wish OSU gave more love to in state people.


My son is OOS and was a direct admit to Fisher back in December. Last week he was notified that he was accepted into Honors via a message sent to his personal email. Today his scholarship letter came in the mail. He was awarded a $13,500/year National Buckeye Scholarship plus a $2000/year Provost Scholarship. My older son is now a junior at OSU and loves it. Good luck to you all.

Did she apply for Eminence, Morrill or LGOS?

She is paying +/- $8k per year for tuition with the $3k off? That’s a fair amount of love vs. what OOS pays even with merit money (not Eminence or Morrill).

Did she apply to Miami (Ohio)? Wittenberg, Kenyon , CWRU or Denison? If she did, did she get offers from those schools? How about OOS schools?

Lots of options for lots of merit money all over the country.

Did she apply for honors or scholars? There was an additional essay…

From my understanding, if you are not awarded the scholarship they will not contact you at all:(

Do you think it’s over now with sending out scholarship awards? I’ve not even received the postcard about financial aid coming soon.

@lama_love_2974 That was my experience when my son applied. He surprisingly did not get merit and there was no communication. My daughter was accepted back in December and some of her friends have received scholarships Buckeye/Maximus & Buckeye/Provost, but she hasn’t heard anything. One of her friends who just got a letter is someone who already withdrew. :frowning:

Is anyone else still waiting on an admissions decision? D applied on 11/15, OOS to Eng and is still in evaluation.

Do you know which school your daughter’s friend decided to attend?

my OOS son applied early action, accepted to ME and honors and received his merit letter yesterday. 13,500 Buckeye, 3,000 for Maximus. This is the first out of any other colleges.

I have asked her that myself several times, but I think I need to dig in myself and confirm because she’s definitely comparable in stats to others whom have been admitted. She’s a great fit with OSU but undergraduate research is important for her and I think we would all be hesitant about sending her to a school of OSU’s size without that extra “opened door” to help with those lab opportunities.

Oh I see. With the Eminence scholarship one of my students got notification that he didn’t land the scholarship so that’s how he knew. I thought they might do that even with the Morrill.

That’s definitely a good consideration. So I’m guessing it’s hard for freshmen and sophomores to land undergrad research opportunities at OSU? Could you share a bit more of what you know on that? It would factor into my son’s decision too. One other college that’s on his radar for this opportunity is Michigan State should some more scholarships come through for him there.

That’s great - I’m thinking that is close to the OOS merit max one can get…?

Oh I don’t really say that it is harder than it would be at other schools as fact, I just assume based on the incredible size difference meaning the number of people interested for what is comparable to the same number of opportunities (as an R1 institution) is going to be significantly more. The honors college at OSU (and really all honors colleges at all schools) either guarantee those opportunities to their cohort or just increase the chances of securing a spot based on either credentials or connections made with the smaller classes and increased personal interactions.

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Ok so D21 did get an email, she was denied honors college and encouraged to apply to scholars instead. Definitely disappointed, not sure for her field that OSU would be the best choice without honors college so makes the next few months more stressful!

For awareness for future applicants, D21 had 4.2 GPA, 33 ACT (34 SS but OSU does not SS), highest rigor rating, (9APs, rest honors), multi-sport athlete, leadership for an EC that raised a million dollars in her 3yrs with it. Weakest link was service (has some but not an abundance) though we didn’t get the impression that was a crucial piece for OSU honors college. Not sure on her essay, but the prompt fit her well.

My D started in scholars because she was drawn toward one of the themes and joined the honors program after she had been accepted into her biomedical engineering major which requires a good gpa. I hadn’t wanted her to have an on campus job, but she was constantly working in labs. She told me one of the reasons most labs pay students was because that leveled the playing field - kids that need money for school can get research experience, too. She wasn’t eligible for federal work study but still found (or was recruited) for plenty of opportunities. Usually, the ‘for academic credit’ undergraduate projects that are student led for their research distinction designation are not paid. My advice would be to take opportunities that present themselves. Many decide not to take part without really having a clue when a position isn’t exactly what they want, but fail to realize they lost an opportunity to build transferable skills - and then keep wondering why they can’t seem to land their ideal spot.

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