Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

You got the postcard too? Did you apply for financial aid or just waiting on merit? OSU is so unpredictable

I think what you are asking is whether OSU is a meets need school, meaning they guarantee to bring the cost of attendance down to your EFC (determined by the overarching free application for federal student aid - FAFSA - not the individual institutions themselves that you applied to) through a combination of financial aid (scholarships/merit awards, need-based grants/scholarships, work study, and a variety of loans including the $5500 federal loan they are require to offer everyone who filled out the FAFSA).

If that is what you’re actually asking the answer to that question is no, Ohio State is not a meets need school and in fact no other Ohio public institution is a meets need school either.


Does anyone know if there is an actual final date that one would know their final award? I just spoke w financial aid office and was told awards are rolling until Mid-March. Sooooo, my question was at what time can we actually assume something will be awarded or not. As of now, I can see on my D’s portal, FASFA application and Scholarship App only. But nothing itemized under or don’t even know if “scholarship app” may suggest that she will be getting something?

Got the postcard - just waiting on Merit.

From the thread details, everyone got a postcard. Good luck with merit!

Does this mean that postcard does not mean you’re getting money and they just sent it to everyone?

yea we are ready damn it! HAHA! Also got a “Welcome to Nursing” brochure. He got into the “Pre-Nursing” Program. Everyday is like a possible X-mas
'cept we may not actually get the Red Rider BB gun with the compass in the stock. Does any one who did get Buckeye or any other merit get that “Are you ready?” post card first
or at all. That could be a factor to look at???

That is what I was thinking. Ours also said “your financial aid offer is coming”. Curious to know if we will get financial aid and merit in the same packet. It’s amazing how FSU just released their decisions (son did not apply but tons of friends who did) and their financial aid and merit comes with the admission

The merit letter my son received was in late January. Sounds like a batch was sent out that day, but others got them after that. We are getting that postcard soon, if the snow ever stops and our mail can be delivered.

Son applied EA, accepted in Dec wave, got merit in mail by Jan 29, got those postcards earlier this past week.

Got 2 postcards and one Buckeye Bound Newsletter.

Hey there. I thought I was finally going to have good news for you yesterday but it was just the dumb postcard. Still waiting

I wasn’t super clear on timeline–the post card and nursing thing came today. He applied on 10/29. Got hos acceptance that first week on Dec. We had to see which offer and option was best in the athletic realm and so once that was settled (I mean BIG 10
OSU–C’mon!! Right!?) he verbally committed to the coach he accepted admission 10 min later on 2/6 so he can get his NLI in the next couple days and make it super official. Given merit offers from other schools, I can’t imagine we got ZERO but–who knows. Is the Nat’l Buckeye an all or nada?? (No clue about the smaller ones.) It looks like 'up to $13,500" so I feel like there are levels
 Again, if any knows
 Ain’t this a fun way to spend a snow day!?

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I know national buckeye is all or nothing but there are other ones as well. There is also financial aid depending on your FAFSA

I was told that National Buckeye was all or nothing. Indiana, for example, doesn’t work like this. There are tiers of scholarships amounts that could be offered. And once awarded, my son received another email saying he was eligible to apply for a few more scholarships. I think they were scholars, honors and one through Kelley. But he had to write a few more essays to be considered. I guess every school has their own path to merit $$.

@fox2281 Awards as in Buckeye is going to be rolled out through mid-March? Or Financial Aid statement is coming in March? I thought all Buckeye awards will be out by the end of February.

UAB has a nice system. Son got 10K was close to 12K. And you knew pretty quick. Akron has a nice system too. Hmm from website: “Award amount: Up to $13,500 ($54,000 four-year value)”. I wonder (too much me thinks)
he applied right before the 11/1 deadline. Did the folks who got the thing apply much earlier? In other words, the later to 11/1 means longer time to wait for a decision?

In state, 33 ACT, 4.2 WGPA, 14 APs - all 4s and 5s, COE, caucasian male, received Provost Scholarship, but still waiting on Honors decision. Anyone know when honors decisions will be made for those still waiting to hear?

Hang in there. Just a little longer. All fingers crossed and waiting on that letter for you. :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Does everyone have “app for special scholarships” with fasfa on their portal (under financial decisions)???