Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Impressive. Lots of smart kids here. What kills me is how so many other school give the merit numbers within a few days or weeks of admittance. We really like OSU and are committed now but they are a bit slow in getting this really important info out.

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That is my biggest complaint. WE were admitted over 8 weeks ago with high stats and other stuff and scholar acceptance. In a year where these kids are suffering enough this is unacceptable

I tend to agree. Applying early shows real interest and given all thingsā€¦why add the extra wait time once their in? If other large schools can give out aid in a fairly timely manner, why canā€™t OSU. And how do they really know who is likely to attend?? My son applied to 7 schools. All with the sport he does and the major he wantsā€¦I know that adds and extra piece as you arenā€™t just trying to get accepted to the schoolā€¦youā€™re trying to get recruited. OSU was kinda the reach school for the sport and once he got the offerā€¦wellā€¦the others were good optionsā€¦but how could he say no to THE Ohio State University!? HAHAHAā€¦ No matter what, he will be there in the fall. We will and can make it happen.

It seems OSU is pretty late getting Scholarship awards out, this year perhaps a bit later. I had heard there was some issue that pushed it back but dont recall what it was. Merit awards only amount to $1k-$3k per year so its not like its a dramatic cost shift. Some schools like Miami U as in in state your like at double digits scholarships so it does make a huge difference. For my daughter she did have options that we $4-8K less expensive, but OSUā€™s program was far and away better than available at the other schools. It was within our budget window so it became a clear choice and was her #1 all along as it turned out.


Unfortunately this seems to be pretty typical for other schools too. No idea when itā€™s coming or if itā€™s coming.

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Yea, the merits ainā€™t all thatā€¦but the Buckeye one. I have dreams about it. $13.5 on top of the athletic one brings OSU to a good VA in state cost. Sadly, only one school has his sport here and he was NOT into that one. (I donā€™t mention the sport cuz the NLI is not signed yet. We should get it any day this week.)

We are out of state so the merit includes the coveted Buckeye one.

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@ab4924 Getting something in-state is a good thing. My son is at a school in our home state and didnā€™t receive any money, but it is a great school and I am confident he will graduate and have a job lined up. I wish my daughter would consider the same school, but her heart is not into it. For us folks outside of Ohio, that National Buckeye takes the sting out of paying out-of-state tuition.

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How many of you paid the commitment fee then got your scholarship awards? My D21 has been offered merit packages at other schools without a commitment, so I find the post about having a ā€œlevel of interestā€ prior to getting a scholarship offer frustrating. She was admitted in December and has ACT 31, OOS, and high GPA.

Why would we commit prior to knowing if there is $ on the table or not?


My girl grads next year but she has decided to stay instate and play LAX for a club. She decided D1 or nothing. She could get D2 or 3 but they are too small for her soā€¦look like VA TECH. ha


That is exactly how I feel. This whole thing is insane

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I agree with you 100%. You should know where you stand before making the commitment.

We did not pay the commitment fee. But my son was fortunate enough to be offered the National Buckeye and Provost.


@socalgb When I went through this a few years ago, I paid my deposit a month after my son got his admissions decision, believing he was a shoo-in to get merit. He attended every event, had multiple conversations with his local Admissions Rep but never got merit money. This time around, I refused to pay anything until I knew where we stood on merit (which is still nowhere).

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We waited until after getting merit offers for the older ones (started in Fall '14 and '18). Have one this year instate with the university level merit letter, but will still wait to see if any additional aid is offered through alumni/scholarship universe. I donā€™t think it matters much either way as far as paying the acceptance fee. We probably wonā€™t pay it until April. We waited until April with the other ones, too.

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NLI canā€™t be done till admission is accepted. And not wanting to make the coach wait too long after the offerā€¦a bad thingā€¦we just accepted and paid the $100. Otherwise weā€™d have waited for any merit notice. But in all honesty, were it not for the sport heā€™d likely be staying in-state.

Iā€™ve got one there and I live in the Burg :slight_smile:

Would you mind sharing when he was admitted and a snapshot of stats

My son? Admitted 12/5/20. 3.8 only got one SAT in --1200, meh. Admitted to Pre Nursing. A couple AP courses. And, of course, his sport. Iā€™ve done some checking. There is no hard SAT scoreā€¦not this year as the COVID screwed that up for many. Constant cancellations. Same with ACT. When the last one we could get was cancelledā€“we said to hell with it. Our school doesnā€™t do rank. Given everything, I think he has a shot at it. If not, oh well. Like I said, weā€™ve committed because the opportunity for him to compete amongst the best in his sport is only gonna be found at OSU. He is pretty much #1 (boys his ageā€“not in college yet) in VA so I hope that all helps him get the thing. Oh, we also have a my wifeā€™s GI Billā€¦12 months (maybe 25 months of girl stays in VA). That def helps year one. I hear, they keep you at IN state even after that expires. Iā€™ve checked and that is true at many state schools. That could make Buckeye a moot point but what take chances? Thankful;y we have options.

Sure thing.

We are OOS from NJ and my son goes to a highly ranked public school (top 20-ish in the state)
He was directly admitted to Fisher back in December.
1460 SAT which was submitted and a 4.1 GPA.
Lots of leadership and service both in and out of high school.
Was admitted to OSU honors a couple of weeks ago and received his merit info last week

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