<p>This is going to be really long, and its my first post, but I really need someones help.</p>
<p>I was a serious ballet student through elementary (well as serious as an elementary school student can be) middle, high school and college. Toward the end of high school I was pretty much done with it, but didnt know what else to do. I chose my first college pretty haphazardly, went as a ballet major, and hated it. So I transferred, and then I transferred again, and then I transferred again
Long story short I was a dance major at 4 schools (none of which I particularly enjoyed). I got a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the 5th school.
At the 5th school, I still had no idea what I wanted to do, so I applied to law school, somehow got in (in hindsight it seems crazy that a law school would accept someone that had majored in ballet). Last year was my first year, and I did ok, but not great (well probably great for a ballet major, but employers dont care about that).
The problem is that I still have no idea what to do. Im incredibly unhappy, but I dont know how to fix it. My response has always been to be insanely busy. This semester Im taking 16 credits, Im on a journal, and Im working at a law firm. I literally have no free time, which would be fine if I knew what I was doing. Im so incredibly behind with my school work because I just cant seem to pull it together. I keep getting close, making a study schedule, stuff like that, but then something else happens.</p>
<p>So why am I so unhappy? I dont know. I moved home to go to law school, because my mother and I have always been close. My father died when I was young, so it was always here and I. She has now remarried, and the new husband and I do not get along, at all. She thinks that Im trying to get her to choose between him and I, but really, I just want to agree to disagree. The nature of my schedule is that I am literally never home, so it should be fine. Today I came home from work a little early (got home at around 6ish), because I have a big paper due, and he snapped at me about helping him with the dogs. I helped, and then retreated to my room to get to work.
My mother came home, and Im in my room, stressed out now because of the tension in the house, and the paper that needs to be finished. She gets mad because youre always so tense and she proceeds to shout at me for an hour, literally shouting. Then she decides to sit the husband and I down and force us to reconcile. At this point Im visibly upset, and he still wants nothing to do with it.
These screaming lectures have been happening more and more frequently, initially, they were once a year, but for the past 3 or 4 months, theyve been at least once a week. Its gotten to the point that I really avoid coming home. Ive been staying at friends places until 3 and 4 in the morning, and just coming home to shower. Unfortunately that is not conducive to sleeping, or getting homework done.<br>
Now I have 4 weeks left in the semester, Im desperately behind with my school work, and I just cant pull it together. I dont know what to do. Its too late to withdraw from any classes, so Im left with 4 weeks to figure out how to pass 4 exams.
I feel like I could deal with the drama at home, or deal with the school stress, but the two of them together is just too much. Im not sure what my question is, but any advice would be a great help. I've been reading these threads (probably part of the school problem), and am truly moved by the pride you have in your kids. I wish I had someone that felt the same way about me, your children are truly lucky.
Thanks so much.</p>