Olsen twins at NYU?

<p>what r my chances of seeing them and hooking up with 1 or 2 of them?</p>

<p>How about-</p>

<p>Zero to none.</p>

<p>Well...let's see, if you dodge their personal security, camp outside NYU, skip Columbia's classes, skip all meals and stalk them constantly, that would probably give you about 10% chance.</p>

<p>Then there are other stalkers, so that lower your chances even more.
Finally, when you do meet them, planning to "hooking up" with them would leave you with zero percent chance.</p>

<p>Unless...you have an accomplice that stalks with you double-time & enjoy double-dating... ;)</p>

<p>mark all the starbucks stores in the area and wait for them to come into the trap. muwahahahha!</p>

<p>i dont think that they go to NYU anymore</p>

<p>Don't bother. They do coke constantly, and they'd eventually egg you into doing it too, and that'll lead to heroin, and then you'll be a junky trying to make it in the city. Tribeca and greenwhich village aren't what they used to be; a starving artist/drug pusher can't afford to live there, and the twin you made out with will just be another fickle girl who forgets your name, moves on via her absurd wealth, and you're stuck doing odious favors for dealers. Eventually someone will find your body in the hudson river.</p>