<p>just checked the email</p>
<p>Dear Andrew,</p>
<p>About that application you sent to Reed College - we liked it. In fact, it
inspired us to give you a quick glimpse of what's ahead.</p>
<p>REED</a> COLLEGE - Admission Congratulations</p>
<p>Best wishes from the admission committee:</p>
<p>Kristine Sawicki, Beth Barteletti, Melinda Brown, KC Deane,
Ian Fisher, Vanessa Garrido, Duke R. Harjo, Crockett Marr, Grace Park</p>
<p>i am crying guys.</p>
<p>so happy.</p>
<p>Congratulations DoinSchool!
I’m a fellow 2014-er Reedie from India on a deferral year.</p>
<p>I don’t even knkow how to begin expressing myself. All signs point towards Reed. I am the description of Reed, its physical embodiment practically. The modern education system has tainted the pure nature of learning. I have always conflicted with the system and obeying authority figures. I know Reed is the right place. In all likelihood I will be going there. and if I do, I can’t wait to meet you, paradox, and everyone else. and I hope we can all work together to make the world a better place.</p>
<p>My “Why Reed” Essay (which I scrambled to write, along with all my other commonapp info, one day before the Jan 1 deadilne…):</p>
<pre><code>Why Reed? I once pondered this question myself. It’s not just because of the glowing description in the Princeton Review, although I would be a liar if I said that didn’t play a part. Truthfully, I’m somewhat embarrassingly ignorant of the schools which I am applying to. I haven’t visited any, so I am mainly vibing off of the location and general school philosophy. Please don’t take this the wrong way; I am a serious applicant. To be frank, Reed sounds like an amazing place to be. I dream about attending classes at Reed. The place sounds too good to be true. My opinion on education has always been that my first responsibility is to learn the material, and my second is to see what I can do to get an A in the class. I have had feuds with teacher’s before where I refused to do assignments. The grade wasn’t as important to me as the educational experience itself. I only want to hear the facts, to tie them together for personal enhancement. I’m not interested in my teacher’s bias or political correctness. I find myself disgusted by the teacher-as-authority-figure paradigm that the public education system requires students to buy into. I prefer that my instructors and I teach each other as equals, each having something to contribute to the discussion. I know that Reed has the excellent professors and range of curriculum to satisfy my hunger for knowledge. As my knowledge of Reed increases, so does my desire to go.
<p>Congratulations DoinSchool once again! You do indeed sound like a Reedie so you deserve it. Wait for the confetti filled fat envelope and join us on the Facebook Group for the Class of 2014. :)</p>
<p>Congrats! I wish I could join you.</p>
<p>Stay on the waitlist SageMIomo, and don’t give up! Make use of the fact that they still want you, but can’t accept you immediately and hopefully you’ll join us in the fall.</p>
<p>DoinSchool: Congratz from a fellow admit. </p>
<p>To SageMIomo: I’ve been heartbroken 6 times before I got Reed’s offer so I understand how you feel. Stay positive!</p>
<p>Haha I’m on the waitlist still but I looked at reeds waitlist stats. I knew that wherever I went to college, I would love it. I’m very excited for my future!</p>
<p>What are the waitlist statistics, SageMIomo? Could you please post them so anyone who’s waitlisted knows what to expect. In any case, Berkeley’s great-it used to be considered Reed’s big university twin once upon a time.</p>
<p>Hmm I found them a long time ago but I tried finding them again with no avail. From my memory, I remember 3 accepted from 300, then a article saying once as little as 14 and as much as 40</p>
<p>I got in too!! International student from New Zealand. Still don’t know about financial aid yet though, sigh</p>
<p>^ Congratulations vergilfan1. They Fedex it to international students, so you should receive it by 31st March. The entire acceptance package-confetti and the Financial Aid award included.</p>
<p>A 1% acceptance rate? That’s brutal, but in any case it’s worth a shot. If they didn’t want you, they’d have rejected you outright, which they haven’t done.</p>
<p>Yeah, Thus I im going to try my best and show them I’m the right guy to pick. But even if they do, the chances of financial aid being left are slim. Well, I guess I have to try my best.</p>
<p>Financial Aid is left behind because there are people who don’t end up matriculating at Reed who receive aid and that leftover can be directed towards those waitlisted and then accepted, but yes sometimes it may not meet expectations.</p>
<p>I loved receiving the email. My jaw dropped at 1:30 a.m. because I was genuinely surprised I got in.</p>
<p>I just got my acceptance email this morning. It was really great, though also quite unexpected.</p>
<p>Congratulations Ewmpowrsk and Shanghailander! This, from what it looks like, has been an extremely competitive year so kudos again to all those who got accepted. The Doyle Owl and all sorts of awesomeness await you. I hope you guys decide to attend, if everything falls into place.</p>
<p>Congrats to all accepted students!! Just got my email, and I’m shocked I got in!! This has totally made my day! Yay!!</p>