OMG Harvard !!! I dreamt of it since age 3 CHANCES!?!?!?

<p>Asian male from Windsor Ontario Canada
Honor roll student: A average (80%+) for every year of high school
Special honor roll student: (90%+) for grade 10
Taken every enriched/gifted course offered (projected enriched credits: 20)
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, English; working knowledge in French</p>

waiting, took december administration
Math IIC 800 Physics 760 Chemistry 730</p>

<p>My essays are going well, I'm still editing</p>

<p>Averages (Marks from our school are deflated and the schools know it because every year, we have at least 3 people going to Ivy or Psuedo-Ivy, so our marks are increased by 10% automatically)</p>

<p>Nine: 87% (A)
Ten: 92% (A)
Eleven: 87% (A)
Current marks: 89% (A)</p>

<p>English Enriched: 77% (B+)
French Enriched: 88% (A)
Chemistry Enriched: 97% (A+)
Physics Enriched: 79% (B+) (highly deflated)
Biology Enriched: 85% (A)
Calculus Enriched: 96% (A+)
Geometry and Discrete: 94% (A)
Computer Science: 95% (A+)</p>

<p>Competitions: (at least top 10% on all national contests)
AMC: 123
ARML participant all 4 years. Massey Ontario A ranked 15th in North America against big state all star teams. Individual medallist.
COMC: 64
Euclid: 73
York Science Olympiad Team finish 3rd in province
Great Lakes Science Olympiad Team finish 1st overall 1st in Bio 1st in Chem
Sir Isaac Newton Contest: 97%ile
Avogadro Contest: 97%ile</p>

Competitive Swimming, high school team, travel team
15+ hours/wk spread over 8 practices
Club Record Holder in two events
Southwestern Ontario regional champion in two events
City Champion in one event
Provincial Qualifier</p>

<p>School Clubs:
Debate team
Science club
Robotics team
Night math participant
Sunday math participant (by invitiation, ARML team is selected from this pool)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Chef's assistant at Chinese restaurant on saturdays for 5hr/wk</p>

<p>Personal Circumstances:
Currently living alone, parents working in other cities, does this kinda count as hook?</p>

<p>i don't want to sound mean, but I am way to preoccupied with handling the stress and anxiety of the impending decision to really comment on anyone's chances. (besides, i don't even know what my chances are, so i can't really evaluate anyone else's :)) But, i just don't want you to get offended if not that many people respond to this. You picked a slightly negative time to post chances. If you wait until wednesday night, you can view the stats of people who got accepted/deferred/rejected and compare yourself. </p>

<p>I don't think that was really helpful, but good luck.</p>

<p>Your SAT IIs look good. Your GPA looks weak by Harvard standards. You'll have to see what the SAT brings you. What's your class rank?</p>

<p>good chances. it all depends on your essays/interview/recommendations/personality from here</p>

<p>Have you really dreamt of it since age 3. Cuz thats devotion!!!</p>

<p>Well that's all when I found out that there's a thing called university, and so I asked, what's the best one? My uncle told me: Harvard. Ever since then, I wanted to go to Harvard. At that time, I thought Harvard was a little kindergarten like place with really cool toys and USA was a park, and China was the world haha.</p>

<p>I think Canadian grade averages tend to run lower than United States grade averages, so it may be hard for Americans to compare. I usually don't answer directly about chances, because I figure I have no idea how different an applicant's online appearance is from the applicant's actual admission file, but good luck in your applications.</p>

<p>Bull ****. You don't remember dreams from age 3. </p>

<p>Back to the topic...I think you really do have at least a decent chance of getting in. Good SAT II's, probably will score a good SAT I. EC's are decent.</p>

<p>Oh and about class rank. Well Canadian schools don't really rank but, I would say about 10 to 15/300, but again, our school attracts ppl nationally.</p>

<p>"At that time, I thought Harvard was a little kindergarten like place with really cool toys and USA was a park, and China was the world haha." </p>

<p>lol awwww. sx91, you can remember dreams when you were 3. There's such a thing call long-term memory.</p>

<p>Don't lie to me music-asian girl. I know what's going on.</p>

<p>Well... most people's earliest memories are from around three and a half, usually vague or fragmented memories. My first memory is from around four. However, if someone keeps telling you the story over and over again, you'll think you remember it because you'll create a false memory of a real event.</p>

<p>So I guess it's not mutually exclusive: it's perfectly possible to be able to remember your ideas from when you were 3 even though you don't remember your actual thoughts from when you were 3.</p>

<p>Don't lie to me Mr. Slovakia. I know what the situation is.</p>

<p>hahahah sx91, you amuse me.
PorSK, lets not make this technical.</p>

<p>Tell me some of your Harvard dreams!</p>

<p>I don't remember exactly. Ok, that was first year in kindergarten. My uncle came back to China to visit us. I was all excited about this park he came from, (I prolly got the notion of the "park" from my parent's filtering of what I know so I don't go around saying my uncle was coming from the US, 1991 wasn't a good time say that kind of thing)</p>

<p>So, I went to kindergarten (best in the city, province, only for ppl with political influence,) and found out this other guy always know about Harvard. Somehow, we're began talking about going to Harvard in the future, 'cause they have the coolest toys and stuff. Not exactly sure how. So a few months later, I dreamt of running around a park with transformer (life size ones) everywhere. It was pretty bizarre.</p>

<p>dreaming about it just because it's the best school in the country?</p>

<p>i mean, people can partially accuse all of us of that, but there's gotta be more to it, man. MIT is a great school, too, but I doubt I will be applying THERE.</p>

<p>Nah, it's more personal. Something childish. I never knew what university really was until age 6, and that's when my cousin went to Beijing University (Harvard of China?), it was an uproar.</p>

<p>1st reason: it's kinda symbolic
2nd reason: follow foot steps of family
3rd reason: it's the thing to do, we have like 4 ppl in our school applying there already :D</p>


<p>Three really bad reasons to want to go there. Do you know anything about Harvard as a school?</p>

<p>Harvard is a great name and you'll get tons of prestige if you're accepted, but if it's the right school for you only for those three reasons, you'll have a rough four years (if that long at all).</p>