<p>Asian male from Windsor Ontario Canada
Honor roll student: A average (80%+) for every year of high school
Special honor roll student: (90%+) for grade 10
Taken every enriched/gifted course offered (projected enriched credits: 20)
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, English; working knowledge in French</p>
waiting, took december administration
Math IIC 800 Physics 760 Chemistry 730</p>
<p>My essays are going well, I'm still editing</p>
<p>Averages (Marks from our school are deflated and the schools know it because every year, we have at least 3 people going to Ivy or Psuedo-Ivy, so our marks are increased by 10% automatically)</p>
<p>Nine: 87% (A)
Ten: 92% (A)
Eleven: 87% (A)
Current marks: 89% (A)</p>
<p>English Enriched: 77% (B+)
French Enriched: 88% (A)
Chemistry Enriched: 97% (A+)
Physics Enriched: 79% (B+) (highly deflated)
Biology Enriched: 85% (A)
Calculus Enriched: 96% (A+)
Geometry and Discrete: 94% (A)
Computer Science: 95% (A+)</p>
<p>Competitions: (at least top 10% on all national contests)
AMC: 123
ARML participant all 4 years. Massey Ontario A ranked 15th in North America against big state all star teams. Individual medallist.
COMC: 64
Euclid: 73
York Science Olympiad Team finish 3rd in province
Great Lakes Science Olympiad Team finish 1st overall 1st in Bio 1st in Chem
Sir Isaac Newton Contest: 97%ile
Avogadro Contest: 97%ile</p>
Competitive Swimming, high school team, travel team
15+ hours/wk spread over 8 practices
Club Record Holder in two events
Southwestern Ontario regional champion in two events
City Champion in one event
Provincial Qualifier</p>
<p>School Clubs:
Debate team
Science club
Robotics team
Night math participant
Sunday math participant (by invitiation, ARML team is selected from this pool)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Chef's assistant at Chinese restaurant on saturdays for 5hr/wk</p>
<p>Personal Circumstances:
Currently living alone, parents working in other cities, does this kinda count as hook?</p>