OMG wdf do i DO??!!

<p>lol, attention getter.</p>

<p>anyway, I am really concerned about my semester 2 grades. last semester, i got a 4.5 gpa (im not bragging..nothing special here) but I'm worried that I won't be able to keep this up. sersiouly folks, like these last 4 weeks, my teachers have been overloading us with tons of tests and pop quizzes.</p>

<p>Yea (I'm deaf)..I didn't hear about some of em..but eh im over it. but, like last week, my bio teacher gave us a pop quiz. I didnt catch that part where she said "pop quiz" so I was like randomly just sitting there (the questions were on the board but it fialed to say "pop quiz"), pretending to work..even though I didn't get it. then shes like, everyone turn it in please..and im like ***??? so I just bsed the answers and turned it in</p>

<p>yea, sucks. but o well...should I go talk to the teachers or leave it alone? (i think my bio teacher is getting annoyed with me for no reason, since I said hey ________ to her but she didnt reply back, even tho she looked at me)..ehh</p>

<p>If you really have a hearing problem then you should talk to them. Otherwise, it’s just like “oh hay I wasn’t paying attention so can I have some extra credit to bring up my grade?”</p>

<p>Apologize to the teacher for not paying attention during the class…then offer to do extra credit or anything that will make it up to her.</p>

<p>Your GPA is high enough, just calm down and try to pay more attention</p>

<p>Your crying that you didn’t hear about a …you said “pop” quiz…usually those are unannounced…</p>

<p>If she did say you were having one…too bad for you. No need to complain and ask us. </p>

<p>Kids like you need to loosen up a bit.</p>

<p>call the wahhmbulance.</p>