On a scale of 1-10... How's school been going for you so far?

<p>I would say school has been a 7. Lots of work, but I still get the job done.</p>


<li>School life > home life</li>
<li>Need sleep</li>
<li>I have a freaking 4.6 GPA</li>
<li>So much work tho</li>
<li>Some of my classes are really fun</li>
<li>Some of my classes are really dull</li>
<li>Tennis season is starting soon</li>
<li>No time to practice</li>
<li>Friends in every class</li>
<li>Some kids in my classes are so annoying I wanna die</li>

<p>Evens out to a 5/10</p>

<p>4, junior year is hitting hard.</p>

<p>Like a 6
I’m soooooooo happy I finally made the school musical BUT my grades suck, my mom is on my back more and this guy is more annoying than usual</p>

<p>A 6/7.</p>

<p>I’m making a lot of friends and being more social. I enjoy most of my classes. And I have mostly A’s! Unfortunately, college applications are stressful and having ONE B in a REGULAR class…is irritating. Also, the underclassmen at my school can be annoying. I guess senior year’s a bit better than I expected, though.</p>

<p>6/7 for me as well. Getting good grades, but a couple clubs I’d really looked forward to turned out to be meh… we don’t really do much :/</p>

<p>7 it was about 10 really at the start of senior year, morale very high. By the time the report cards came, in about 6 week into school my morale drops when I was literally denied 3 A- (I had 3 B+). Now it about 7. Which is good but with term paper coming I’m expecting it to drops to 4.</p>

<p>7, lots of stress, but I managed to get 4 EA applications in with marching band and keeping straight As. So I’m doing what I have to.</p>

<p>Maybe a 7/8. I’m a sophomore. I love my school, but I’m still getting used to the work and I have yet to join any clubs or teams to help improve my experience.</p>

<p>2.5 - I’m not doing nearly as well in grades as I thought I’d be.</p>

<p>I’m going with a 5. Little shocked to see that I have trouble understanding things for whatever reason now.</p>

<p>6.9/10 it’s not like the years been bad Im just getting bored. It’s starting to get monotonous again and I’m doing the same thing I always do this time of the year. Eh I don’t know, my grades are all A’s, social life fine, but I’m just getting tired of the same thing everyday.</p>

<p>I’d say a 9.5 so far, loving my senior year. Funny how I’d say it’s been a 9.5 or 10 every year, but for different reasons. Freshman & some of sophomore year I was happy because my grades were really good, but now I don’t really care about grades too much and only care about going out on the weekends and the summers have been amazing. That’s not to say I’ve lost sight of all academics…my grades are still very good, and I’m taking 6 AP classes and self-studying another 5 for placement out of core classes, but ever since I’ve discovered I don’t really want to go to the elite ivy-league schools and feel I’d be a much better fit elsewhere, my focus on schoolwork has waned.</p>

<p>9 out of 10 / Senior year. Seriously loving my school right now, and everything is actually working out lol. Lost a little motivation though because I felt like EasySafe; doing the same thing over and over just was ruining everything. But, it is just getting that back to where I need it to be :D.</p>

<p>7/8. I’m a sophomore, and I’m really happy with my grades so far (all A’s, 97’s and above). But I don’t have a good social life. I usually hang out with my friends from my old school, and I still feel like I’m struggling to fit in at my school, even though I was here freshman year too. I’m happy because I joined Mock Trial and started doing more community service, in addition to the 2 clubs I did last year. But I really want to get involved in the school newspaper, which pretty much starts in 10th grade, and I haven’t talked to the moderator yet. I’m also not doing any physical activity this year (no sports like last year, but also no time to exercise on my own), so I feel kind of fat. Most of these problems can be fixed, except for maybe making friends, because I do try, so I’m going to try to bring my sophomore year up to a 9!</p>

<p>senior - 2/10 - depression, social anxiety, the sense of not fitting in, falling grades (5.0 -> 4.3, jesus), poor standardized test scores, stress, the sense of ingenuineness within myself is beginning to surface</p>

<p>high school overall has been a 4/10, would not do again</p>

<p>7/10. I’m a Freshman, and academically it’s not too hard to handle. Disappointed with the fact I pretty much already know 85% of my class (as most people who come here are from two different middle schools). Thought I would get to meet some new people, but haven’t met too many. Some upperclassmen are cool. That’s about it :P</p>

I’ve been in and out of the guidance counselor’s office trying to switch multiple classes, and I wish I had taken AP Art History this year as a sophomore. I’m also part of a new “robotics engineering” course at my school where I know as much as the teacher - nothing. That aside, I currently have all A’s which isn’t too bad :)</p>


<p>I’m not nearly popular enough to win homecoming king, but congrats FutureDoctor31! Haha. Senior here. Everything’s been going swell.</p>

<p>@kingshukr that completely sums up how I feel! One of the reasons I was looking forward to high school was to meet new people but I’m once again stuck with the same kids</p>