On March 31...which letter will you open first?

<p>This one is for spunaugle…</p>

<p>[Dartmouth</a> Yale Enthusiasts - CollegeHumor Video](<a href=“Dropout - Independent, ad-free, uncensored comedy | Dropout”>Dropout - Independent, ad-free, uncensored comedy | Dropout)</p>

<p>The large ones.</p>

<p>@danas: Dude… I love you for posting that video! Haha it totally made my night.</p>

<p>Excellent answer Zen…The D isn’t here to ask but my guess will be G’town then Wellesley. The others are all online.</p>

<p>ok… most mails I have received from accepted schools had the word " Congratulations" right in front of the envelope. It is hard not to open those first. If the envelope is thin during April, it is most likely rejections or waitlists!!!</p>

<p>alphabetical order duhhhh =]</p>

<p>All three are highly competitive schools (Brown, Yale, Princeton)… soooooo it really doesn’t matter. I think I’ll save Brown for last. Princeton, Yale, Brown. Whichever comes first, I’ll just check that…</p>

<p>Open Wellesley, then Cornell, then Barnard</p>

<p>The one with the most vivid coloring. If they’re all white, then perhaps eeny meeny miny mo. I like surprises. :slight_smile: Dartmouth and Cornell last though, because I’ve already gotten likely letters from them and good news is always nice to wrap up with!</p>