On my AP World History test, I received a 2..

I looked up my score for my APWH test and to my disappointment discovered I had a 2. I had not expected this since I found the overall exam to be quite easy. Should I be worried? I passed my AP World History class with an A-. According to my teacher, whom is now on his final year of teaching, colleges look for students who were committed and attempted to pass both the AP class and exam and do not care for your score as long as you did not get a 1. This is my first AP test that I have ever taken. I do not have plans to do a retake since I paid $90 for this test and will take three more tests next year around the same price. I live in the state of California if that matters.

An A- grade in the course but only a 2 on the test may mean that the course is not of very high quality. How did other students who did well in the course do on the test?

I am not really sure. The test scores were released only today. Regarding the quality of the course, I’d say it was fair. I myself never struggled at all, but several students did. All of the exams we had done in class were essays prepared in a similar manner as the actual AP test.

Since your teacher has been in the teaching field many years, how long has your teacher been teaching this subject? Do you know the pass rate for this teacher? Both my son’s had a great teacher for AP World. He had a 90% pass rate and actually helped score the AP World History exams each year. He gave minimal busy work for the class and really taught everything you need to know to do well on the exam. Both son’s passed the class with an A. Older son got a 5 on the exam, Younger son a 3. Everyone has a different learning curve and ability to translate the information into the AP testing format. My younger son is a very good test taker when it comes to multiple choice questions but essays are more of an issue. Older son excels in the essay portion while multiple choice questions always makes him second guess his answers. He however loves history, so he had no problems with any of the AP History exams overall.

Obviously a 2 is not passing, but this is only 1 AP exam which not make or break your chances at any college. Just strive to do well on the rest and you should be fine.