<p>I just finished my soph year at L'ville prep, and I wanted to see whether or not people think I'm going in the right direction to have a strong application to Harvard. I'm not really worried about my grades, it's more that I want to make sure that my ec's are "focused" enough.</p>
<p>Again, I'm not worried about my grades as much as I am my ECs.</p>
9th Grade</p>
<p>Fall (3.9)
English (required course): A
Precalculus for BC: A
Honors Chemistry: A
Spanish 4 (these levels vary from school to school): A-
Cultural Studies (required course, like history): A-</p>
<p>Winter (3.7)
English: A-
Precalculus for BC: B+
Honors Chemistry: A-
Spanish 5: A-
Cultural Studies: A</p>
<p>Spring (4.0)
English: A
Precalculus for BC: A
Honors Chemistry: A
Spanish 6: A
Cultural Studies: A</p>
<p>10th Grade</p>
<p>Fall (3.7)
AP Calc BC: B+
Honors European History (same as AP): B+
AP Chemistry: A-
English: A
Spanish 7: A</p>
<p>Winter (4.1)
AP Calc BC: A+
Honors European History: A
American Studies - Constitution: A+
AP Chem: A
English: A</p>
<p>Spring (4.2)
AP Calc BC: A
AP Chem: A
Honors Euro: A+
English: A+
Spanish 8: A
Chamber Music: A+</p>
<p>SATII: 780 Math IIC, 740 Chem
APs: 5 Calc BC, 5 Chem, 4 Euro</p>
<p>Next year, I'm taking Multivariable Calc, AP Spanish Language, AP Econ, AP Bio, and the required english classes (I'll also take both AP English tests at the end of the year)</p>
<p>ECs - My main interests are history/writing, chemistry, and music. Do they seem "focused" enough?</p>
<p>Staff writer for school newspaper since 9th grade, hoping to maybe become editor next year</p>
<p>Received grant from school to develop a primary source document reader and curriculum for courses on Middle Eastern politics and the evolution of political thought in that region. The book/curriculum will be used by the history department.</p>
<p>Global Policy correspondent at The Scoop08 (check it out; only the splash page is up now, but the rest of it will come up later <a href="http://www.scoop08.com%5B/url%5D">www.scoop08.com</a>)</p>
<p>Participating in program with a chem professor at Princeton where I get to work with him for the next year as he "mentors" me on a research project. I'll do a write up on it and maybe submit it for some competitions.</p>
<p>Vice President of Science Olympiad team next year (junior year). As a little side note, I highly, highly recommend SO to anyone who likes science. It is sooooo much fun. You get to build so much incredibly cool stuff. And eat lots of food. :-P</p>
<p>Eagle Scout</p>
<p>Finished Grade 8 of ABRSM curriculum for piano performance. Pursuing Diploma in Piano Performance from ABRSM. I am by no means exceptional, but I'll be able to submit a good cd, which I'm planning to do.</p>