On the Town: Talent & production level

I just came back from moving my freshman daughter out for the summer. While we were in RVC we were able to catch the junior class production of On the Town. For background, at the beginning of their junior year, students audition to be cast in one of two big shows: the end-of-year junior musical, or the beginning-of-year senior musical. And then everyone can focus on the senior showcase is in the spring. I had not seen (but had followed on social media) the senior class’s fall musical, Into the Woods. This was a seriously professional production, with an amazing set, and directed by Travis Greisler (AD of the Cher Show coming to Broadway). I heard ITW was fantastic, but sadly never got to see it. So this weekend I was so excited to finally see the program in action! On the Town was AMAZING. I was blown away by the dancing, the choreography, the acting, and the casting was SPOT ON. It was sweet, and hilarious, and a little raunchy. Did I mention the dancing? Wow. I am just so proud of everyone involved, and beyond excited for my daughter to be able to receive this level of training, and to participate in this level of production, with this level of talent, while she’s in school. Happy summer to everyone! This fall, the Molloy/CAP21 seniors will be performing Nine.

That’s awesome @CentralOHmomof4 ! Hope that we can someday catch a show. Hard to do living so far away! But excited to keep hearing such great things about the program. My D is beyond excited to start in the fall!! :slight_smile: