<p>Is anyone else trying to schedule distractions for the week of the 13/14? My goal is to completely exhaust myself during the day so I can get some sleep.</p>
<p>my family has an annual christmas party that sunday (this year, the 14th), so i’ll be extremely busy the days before. Also, my dad’s birthday is the 15th. it could be really good or really bad. =]</p>
<p>That depends on when we get our letters- that could be anywhere within a 3-5 day window =/</p>
<p>yeah… but i really dont think they’ll send them out on a saturday and i doubt they’d send them a full 3 days before the 15th, cause then we’d be getting them on the 12th, which is pretty unheard of.</p>
<p>ok basically im hoping i dont know until the party’s over.
revised. im hoping that i get a good letter before the party. otherwise, it can wait till 200 family and friends tromp through here to let me down.</p>
<p>I hope we find out on the 15th rather than have to wait anxiously by the post for more than one day. Who knows what will happen.</p>
<p>I’m going to a friend’s huge holiday cookie exchange on the 14th and my good friend is coming home from college that weekend, so we will probably hang out on the 13th. There is no way I will be able to concentrate on my classes that Monday.</p>
<p>heh heh a friend of mine applied ED to Haverford too so in Bio we are going to freak out that week and probably learn nothing all day</p>
<p>the thing i keep thinking about is how they may indeed have already made a decision about us - if not, they could make it within the next few days. just think - we could be in a pile already, waiting in the admissions office until mid december to be sent. yikes! </p>
<p>and question, have ya’ll told your friends/school mates that you have applied early decision? if so, did you tell them where? ive not said a word, except to my best friend. im too scared of someone else applying and taking my spot, or if not that, the rubbing of salt in the wound if ive not gotten in and then everyone asks me on the 16th about the result.</p>
<p>I keep telling people- to explain my recent surge of mental instability. My friend and I are the only two in the school applying ED so I’m not worried about that. I assume they are going to make decisions in the next two weeks or so…? my one teacher rec was sent a month ago, and Haverford never got it. My friend also had the same problem. So my teacher is supposed to fax out another one tomorrow =/</p>
<p>i got a “your app is complete” on friday the 14th. i in what order they review applications (aphabetically, the order that they’re complete, casting lots)</p>
<p>I submitted my app electronically, so they got that immediately, but my school sent everything out through the mail friday. They confirmed they got everything on the 20th. I think everyone in my class of 52 people know I am applying to Haverford early. Everyone I am close to knows.</p>
<p>Is it true that the admissions committee comes to a consensus (in good Quaker fashion) about the fate of every applicant?</p>
Are you really awake at 4:30 a.m. or do you live on the left coast and its really three hours earlier?</p>
<p>maybe. in good Quaker fashion, if someone disagrees, they can choose to step out of the group voting, for the sake of consensus. so maybe not everyone on the admissions committee has to agree.</p>
<p>Haverford’s website said that they won’t hold any info sessions December 3-9 for the ED committee.</p>
<p>hm… that’s a wednesday to a tuesday. i guess they must finish by the ninth then, or close to it. yikes that is so soon.</p>
<p>ps - classes end on the 12th, reading days 13th and 14th, and then 15th to 19th are exams. assuming (and this is an assumption, i dont know for sure) that students are on the admissions committee, they’ll want to be done on the 12th so they can study. but then again, in order to get out decisions, they have to be pretty done by the 12th anyways. so that doesnt tell us much.</p>
<p>I’m so nervous =/</p>
I’m on the west coast, so that was only 1:30 am for me. However, it’s not unusual for me to be up till 4:30 on a school night. I haven’t gone to bed before 3:30 am in the past two weeks or so. I’m a bit notorious for never sleeping. I have this week off to catch up on all that lost sleep.</p>
<p>Does anyone know how big the admission’s committee is?</p>
<p>As far as the size of the admissions committee, I don’t know about this year but it was seven in 2005…see this quote from Jess Lord in the NY Times recruiting articles from that year:</p>
<p>“If the same seven people met in our committee room next week and did the whole thing again, it’s likely we would not admit the same 101 applicants,” he said. “There is a human element you can never remove from the process.”</p>
<p>ah casey that freaks me out. looks like everyone took a cc break for thanksgiving, and now only 15 days!</p>