One month wait.

<p>Anybody who applied ED: What are you planning to do while waiting for 12/15/2008? This is going to be one long month.</p>

<p>its killing me already! im consoling myself by thinking of the kids last year who got their letters on the 13th =]</p>

<p>I’m pretty much obsessing over it- Haverford still hasn’t emailed me saying that they got my app. So I’m kinda neuortic at the moment =O</p>

<p>ah! when did you send it? I pushed the button thursday evening and got a hford email on friday morning. you can always call them to check - the admissions office was very helpful to me</p>

<p>I sent mine in on paper friday morning. So that’s why it’s taking so long.</p>

<p>gotchu. i bet theyre flooded with paper right now. why the anti-tree option?</p>

<p>oh. doesn’t like me. I put in my username and password (mind you, I know what it was) and then they won’t email my username password to me. So I just sent it on paper. Plus, I didn’t think it would feel as good sending it online than taking it to the post office. =)</p>

<p>Yeah… they send you an email saying that everything is complete. It’s quite nice. And when my one teacher rec seemingly got lost in the mail they were cool about me resending it and an admissions person called to tell me that they got it. Very cool. So don’t worry. Plus, the woman told me that if a large percentage of your app is in then they will accept things a tad late.</p>

<p>yeah i feel you mc10. im still waiting for my second teacher rec (as i said on the other thread) but i have a feeling theyll be lenient for a few more days - plus i just sent in some supplemental stuff with an additional recommendation so if worst comes to worst, they could use that (not that it was a bad recommendation at all…)</p>

<p>Yeah, I have an additional rec too from an alumni. They thought I was trying to replace my second teacher one and that’s why they called, but really it’s just an extra thing. What supplement essay did you do?</p>

<p>personal freedom vs community standards. the honor code makes SO much sense to me - i cant imagine going to one of my other schools that doesn’t have the same underlying values =/ yikes</p>

<p>and you?</p>

<p>Yeah, I did personal freedom too. It was a cool prompt.</p>

<p>Go post your essays guys!! </p>

<p>Bleh…I feel like my application was spot-on, but my grades are kind of on the bubble…</p>

<p>BUT I got a recommendation from this lady who has been on the recruitment committee for like 20 years…she sent a letter to a former teacher of mine saying “If you like the kid, I’ll like the kid, and they’ll likely like the kid.” I don’t know what to make of that…just trying not to get my hopes up too much I guess, but I feel like I’ve got enough good things in my corner…we’ll see…</p>

<p>I answered the deep intellectual discourse one by talking about the values that underpin my high school. </p>

<p>I feel like everyone keeps telling me to chill out about this whole admissions thing, but every day I get more stressed and worried about the 15th. Thank god I’m not the only one.</p>

<p>Haha, emster- kids tell me to relax all the time about it. I’m normally very composed, but this month is rough. SAT scores tomorrow!! Yay, more stress!</p>

<p>Judging strictly upon your grammar I would assume none of you to get in. It would more beneficial to your morale to go buy an xbox and boost your confidence, after all, you will be saving quite a bit on tuition this year…</p>

<p>Forget m.c.12. It’s my friend making fun of me. He’s an xbox junkie and doesnt have to worry about getting into college because he’s getting recruited for soccer. Yeah, not fair.</p>

<p>does anyone remember that kid from the summer (agh i cant remember his cc name) who was ridiculously obnoxious and commented on every single post and drove everyone bananas? he joined and after a week he had an average of like 300 posts a day or somethingg. anyways mc12 reminds me of him</p>

<p>ArtOfMind_21. go look up his threads, if theyve not deleted them already. he was a character.</p>

<p>Yeah… sorry. We were working on computers in class and he saw me on the website and thought he had a marvel idea of annoying people, haha. Hope everyone’s first week of our long month went well!</p>