one more essay for people to look at

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i’m having trouble looking for a concluding sentence, which i didnt wnrite

<p>prince my man, you have a talent for essay writing. 2 for 2 so far in my eyes. </p>

<p>And for concluding sentence: "Well, I have tasted the fruit. And it is sweeeeeet."</p>

<p>Just kidding. I dont know what to tell you :)</p>

<p>not really, I didn't like both your essays at all. The first one was too random. And this one is not really focused. And I dont' think it fits the jhu prompt.</p>

<p>really? how can i adapt it for JHU's prompt?</p>

<p>in fact i'm a little scared now. i dont think it fits JHU's prompt at all. crap can anybody assess my essay and tel lme what they think?</p>

<p>Ok, i guess im not sure about the second essay, but i stand by my original statement that the first essay is brilliant. Different people will have different perceptions, but i still think that an admissions officer would appreciate the first essay.</p>