One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I’ve been an evangelist for Justin Cronin’s “The Passage” trilogy for years. He’s got a new book, “The Ferryman,” coming out early next month - first one since the trilogy ended in 2016. I slapped down good money for a pre-order; last time I did that was for his last book.

I shall report back.

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Ouch. Loved Kinsey! It’s sad that the series ended with Y.


I was a fan and always thought not having “z” was somehow right🤷‍♀️


At one point our library was tossing out books that weren’t getting read enough. Somehow that ended up resulting in a number of occasions of tossing book 2 of a trilogy but keeping 1 and 3. I gave them a piece of my mind and they admitted that maybe they should either toss the whole trilogy, or none of it.


I liked Sue Grafton, my oldest daughter loved her books. I think my daughter has most of them on the book shelf in her bedroom at my house. We were all saddened when Sue Grafton passed away.
My library is small but it belongs to a larger system so I have decent eventually getting much of what I want to read.


I have every Sue Grafton Kinsey Milhone book, including a few that are signed by the author. I was very sad when the series ended. I like that Grafton’s estate didn’t try to continue the series with another writer. Robert Parker’s estate did that with Parker’s Spenser series and the Jesse Stone series.


Almost done with Nina Revoyr’s Southland, wow is it hard to put down. Set in LA, two families (one Japanese, one Black) unearthing truths about their past. The city is practically a character; author clearly has love for it. Jumps past/present which I usually don’t like but it works.

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Just finished Rebecca Makkai’s “I Have Some Questions For You.” Loved it! intriguing characters wrapped around a mystery, with social commentary on true crime obsession, podcasting, Me-too, racism, etc. I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t end up a movie deal.


I just loved “Pineapple Street” by Jenny Jackson. Social commentary that had me laughing out loud.


We all seem to have the same to read list. I just finished The Latecomer and 100 Years of Lenni and Margot and have been waiting for Pineapple Street and I Have Some Questions For You.


I did not care for Pineapple Street or The Latecomer, but I loved 100 Years of Lenni and Margot.


Just finished listening to Joan is Okay by Weike Wang. I wouldn’t say it’s the best book I’ve ever read (listened to) but I did like it.

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I struggled with The Latecomer too. I just didn’t like any of the characters until the last 1/3rd if the book.

I thought that Joan is Okay was exactly that - OK.

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I just read The Latecomer on the recommendation of this group and really enjoyed it. I agree that most of the characters were unlikeable for much of the book, but I was very sucked in. I love dysfunctional family dramas (not sure what that says about me!).


I hope to read it next!! And then FINALLY do a CC book club!


Did you read The Paper Palace? How about The Heart’s Invisible Furies? I think I would add The Dutch House to this category as well.


Yes, I have read (and very much enjoyed) all three!

A few others that I enjoyed and would put into the same category: The Most Fun We Ever Had, Ask Again Yes, and Commonwealth.


@TonyGrace Also, The Nest by Cynthia d’Aprix Sweeney and The Heirs by Susan Reiger