one slip during one semester.

<p>I got 3.83 or 4.0 for all of my high school semesters except for 1 where I got a 3.5. Do universities see that 1 semester and think that I just slipped ONLY for that semester therefore easing my admission just a TINY bit?</p>

<p>Assuming you got 3.83 average except that one 3.5 you would still have a 3.77 and that doesn’t even count the 4.0’s you might of had. Thus you seem to still be a strong applicant to top colleges as you are above that 3.75 threshold, though it will be much better if your slip up was freshman year rather than sophomore or junior years. Also it depends on if you are top 10% or not in your class.</p>

<p>If the slip was in junior year with harder classes, that will cause the most concern.</p>

<p>It was during sophomore year and my 4.0s were during junior year.</p>