Only a freshmanin hs, but worried...

<p>I'm a feshman in high school, i have a question...</p>

<p>-I'm in all highest level classes and my lowest grade ever on a report card was b-, but i typically get bs, b+s, and a-'s, then some as and b-'s. </p>

<p>-Next year im in all level ones again, and taking ap stats, and i am doing an art course this year and next year. junior and senior year i plan on doing french instead of art, because i already do spanish- i plan on all four years, and i'd like to learn french too.</p>

<p>-I am in only one club, which I'm pretty sure by senior year i will be an officer for if not pres/vice pres (you may think that's hard to predict but it's the type of thing you may not comprehend because you don't know the situation), i REALLY want to be in student council but i don't think i'll make it because at my school it is really a popularity thing. </p>

<p>-i do no school sports because of dance, which i have about 3 times a week it's very "hard-core" and to do sports i'd have to give that up, which i njever would because it is my passion and im not a "quitter".</p>

<p>-I also play piano, do a youth group, and i plan on getting a pilots liscense (my dad has a plane and he's very into it and 100% supports me getting one, and i like to fly anyways)</p>

<p>Thats all i have going for me so far, and it doesn't seem like much. How good is that? I know this question is very relative, but this isn't Ivy League worthy, is it? If i improve in the next three years could i possibly be Ivy League worthy?</p>

<p>You still have time to join another club, so don’t worry about that. Find something you are interested in. If you don’t have time to join a completely new club (between being an officer/getting your license) then it truly is understandable just to excel at what you already have.</p>

<p>Grades are really important, and probably are the first factor that colleges consider. Yours are okay, but not as impressive as someone who got more A’s and less B’s. I also hear that colleges don’t look a whole lot at freshmen year grades, so don’t worry too much about that either.</p>

<p>You have at least two years to relax and enjoy high school… keep college in mind but remember to have fun as well. :)</p>

<p>My very frank advice is that you shouldn’t worry too much about getting into “Ivy League” schools or top tier schools just yet. Spend your time and energy working hard in school, doing ECs that you appreciate and love, and enjoy life in high school.
By the way, its very hard to determine whether a person is Ivy worthy as they are essentially crap shoots for qualified candidates and you’re still a freshman. You’ve still got three more years of high school to look forward to.</p>

thats pretty much it as for what you can control that will make big difference. dont worry too much abouts ECs or worry too much in general. just work hard and you will end up somewhere great.</p>