<p>I'm a feshman in high school, i have a question...</p>
<p>-I'm in all highest level classes and my lowest grade ever on a report card was b-, but i typically get bs, b+s, and a-'s, then some as and b-'s. </p>
<p>-Next year im in all level ones again, and taking ap stats, and i am doing an art course this year and next year. junior and senior year i plan on doing french instead of art, because i already do spanish- i plan on all four years, and i'd like to learn french too.</p>
<p>-I am in only one club, which I'm pretty sure by senior year i will be an officer for if not pres/vice pres (you may think that's hard to predict but it's the type of thing you may not comprehend because you don't know the situation), i REALLY want to be in student council but i don't think i'll make it because at my school it is really a popularity thing. </p>
<p>-i do no school sports because of dance, which i have about 3 times a week it's very "hard-core" and to do sports i'd have to give that up, which i njever would because it is my passion and im not a "quitter".</p>
<p>-I also play piano, do a youth group, and i plan on getting a pilots liscense (my dad has a plane and he's very into it and 100% supports me getting one, and i like to fly anyways)</p>
<p>Thats all i have going for me so far, and it doesn't seem like much. How good is that? I know this question is very relative, but this isn't Ivy League worthy, is it? If i improve in the next three years could i possibly be Ivy League worthy?</p>