Open House--

<li>Is anyone else attending BU’s Open House in April 25th?</li>
<li>For those who have already attended the first one, how was it? What do you do during Open House?</li>

<p>Speaking from memory... There are tours of the campus, Warren Towers, FitRec. They have presentations that try to convince you to come to BU. You can also sit in on a class. That's the general gist.</p>

<p>yeah it's just an infomerical with a lot of bells and whistles. I recommend attending though</p>

<p>Sounds good! I heard it starts at 8:30AM and lasts till 4PM-ish. I hope I'll survive.</p>

<p>kevster, I'm going on the 25th, hope to see you there.</p>

<p>Depending on your college, you'll have a chance to talk to students, then get a presentation and then you'll likely break up into smaller groups - like in COM, you'll divide by department and hear from the professors. Then the students go one way and the parents go another. FitRec tours are optional, though the place is amazing.</p>

<p>Is it true you sign up for classes too?</p>

<p>No. That's registration. An open house is merely a recruiting thing. You do get some info, like distribution reqs., etc. but you don't register.</p>

<p>yeah for me at SAR from what I can remember we were first introduced to some faculty and probably a dean of something or other, given some general information about the school and then they separated the students from parents. the parents were talked to more probably about financial stuff, safety concerns and that kinda stuff while we were broken down by intended majors and got to hear about our specific programs and stuff. then I'm pretty sure they fed us and later we had this kinda informal Q & A with students at SAR except parents and students were still separated so you got a real feel of what you really wanted to know without parents asking ridiculous questions. uh afterward we were given the option of treking down to FitRec for a tour but I opted out and was on my way after 1 PM or so. This probably varies greatly from school to school</p>

<p>It's pretty much the same from school to school. The parents eat with the faculty and hang out. It wasn't about financial stuff at all. BU's colleges generally require the professors to show and most departments get pretty good turnout.</p>