Opinions on a bizarre (and possibly risky) topic?

<p>SO, I have (finally!) an idea for what could possibly be a very unique and interesting Common App essay... Or what could possibly be a complete failure.</p>

<p>This summer, my friends and I were in Chicago for a music festival. One night, coming back from the festival, we decided to stop for ice cream. Outside the ice cream shop, a homeless man approached us. After some pretty hilarious introductions (he called my three girl friends and me "Charlie's Angels plus one" and my guy friend "Bosley... you've gotten ugly, Bosley!"), he asked each of us what our three long-term goals were. One by one, we failed to answer. He then proceeded to give us a pretty motivational speech about how we need to set goals for ourselves (he had some great/humorous suggestions for how to get going) lest we become homeless like him. In retrospect, it was an experience that took me out of my normal perspective (i.e. upper middle class white girl), and it was kind of a beautiful moment.</p>

<p>I would definitely have some good descriptions and humorous moments in there, but I'm worried that I might come off as... Condescending? Sheltered? White, wealthy and clueless? What do you guys think?</p>

<p>If you're worried about sounding privileged or condescending, then maybe you should leave your background out of the essay and just say it make you consider whatever through a different perspective. </p>

<p>But it's worth the risk to discuss it all. (If it even is a risk.)</p>

<p>I would classify this as a "high risk, high reward" topic. I personally think it is a brilliant idea, but like you said, you must not come off as a condescending, spoiled, naive individual. If you are able to convey this story in the right narrative tone, I would go for it.</p>

<p>I love this idea for an essay. I think that it will be a great essay. Good luck with writing it, I really like the theme/idea.</p>

<p>I agree. It will not sound condescending unless you put that into the essay. from what you posted here, it sounds like you got some great advice from an unexpected source... perhaps your essay can be about how learning is everywhere, not just dispensed by professors in a classroom and describe how it prompted you to clarify your goals and think about your future. Who else has an experience like this? Go for it.</p>

<p>^wow yeah, i really like this topic too. i know a lot of times ppl (myself included) get caught in that trap of thinking there's nothing significant enough in our short little life thus far to write a truly inspring and personal essay about. but i think your story is a wonderful example of the little random events that can mean so much more and be turned into an amazing essay.</p>

<p>good luck!! i'd love to read the essay when you're done...or at least know more detail about what exactly the man told you and your friends, lol. sounds like it was pretty great=)</p>

<p>i really like this topic = ) high risky always means high rewards if you can handle it well >.< i bet it was an awesome expereince for you, so put your heart into it and you can make it!!!</p>

<p>Best of luck in your app work!</p>