Opinions on my Senior Year Schedule?

This year I’ll be taking:

AP Biology
AP English
Honors EPI
Honors College Algebra
Honors Physics
AP Spanish 6
Honors Trigonometry

Does this schedule look to overwhelming for someone who’ll be actively applying to colleges in the fall?
What is your opinion about doubling up on math this year?
Are there any changes that you believe I should make?

BTW I’m applying to college as a microbiology major.

Please explain what other math courses you have taken in HS so far.

You are also so long science. What other science courses have you taken?

EPI. Is that the ecology thing?

@thumper1 Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2
Science: Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy
And EPI is Economics and Public issues

Algebra 2 and Anatomy were both honors btw @thumper1

Ok…I’ll bite. So…why aren’t you taking precalc this year for the full year?

Not sure I understand the need for double science either.

No arts class…like chorus, band, art, photography? No electives except that economics class?

It looks like you chose courses because they were THE most challenging academic ones you could take…and not necessarily because you need to take them. Is that a correct assessment?

I guess this schedule is OK for you if you want academic, academic,academic.


If you haven’t yet I’d say you should take calculus or at least precalc. (In our HS you can’t take honors physics without being enrolled in calculus).

Re: precalculus

Are “college algebra” and “trigonometry” sufficient to prepare you to take calculus when you enter college next year? If so, then it looks like those courses are just a renaming of the typical precalculus course. Otherwise, you may want to switch them for whatever course(s) will prepare you for calculus when you enter college next year.

@ucbalumnus @happy1 @thumper1 At my school, they discontinued precalc. So, now the only prerequisites for Calculus are Trigonometry and College Algebra afterwards.

@thumper1 EPI is required at my school to graduate. It’s for a half year with Health

@thumper1 I wanted to try something different and challenge myself more this year, yes. Also, I’ve taken an Art elective for the past three years.

Why did you drop the arts elective.

Ok…you have explained the math courses…

So now…please explain the need for AP bio and honors physics?

@Thumper1 I’ve signed up for other arts programs. But, some of the ones that I wanted to take my school has been cutting.

What history and social studies courses have you already had?

@thumper1 I took AP Biology because I wanted to see if I could get the AP credit for college. I signed up for physics because I thought it was an interesting class, I wanted to take it Junior year but for some reason my chemistry teacher told me they wouldn’t allow it because my math wasn’t high enough for it.

@ucbalumnus Honors American Government, GT World History, AP US History

You should keep physics, because it is best to have all three of biology, chemistry, and physics, and you will likely need high school physics as a prerequisite for college physics that is typically required for biology majors.

Take AP biology if you are interested in it, but be aware that some colleges may not give subject credit for it, due to their biology courses being more rigorous or requiring more chemistry background than AP biology does.

@ucbalumnus Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind :slight_smile:

Looks like you will have 3 to 3.5 years of history and social studies (including EPI), right? That would be a typical amount, though some of the most selective colleges may prefer to see 4 years.

Having 3 years of art is probably more than typical for most students who are not heavily into arts.

I was asking about the arts course deletion for a reason. You don’t have to be highly interested in the arts to have some variety in your schedule.

This schedule is academic only…which is fine if that is what the student wants.

But really, why? My kids so looked forward to senior year when they could,take a fun elective course…culinary arts. And both were in the HS band for all four years.

We strongly encouraged this variety in their courses. Especially senior year…when they also had college applications, essays, interviews, and for DS auditions to do.

@ucbalumnus Well I technically wasn’t three. I took piano freshman year, and then piano and a regular art class together sophomore year.