<p>I know I know, you are probably tired of "chancing" people, but I asked for some opinions on another site, and I got one reply where the girl pretty much told me that there was no way in hell I could make it into NU...</p>
<p>So, paranoid me would like a few other opinions before I start panicking lol :)</p>
<p>-My name is Margaret, I'm a female and I go to a public HS in WI with about 1600 kids.
-I'm 5th in my class.
-Unfortunately, our school has a 4.3 system, so A+ count, so I have a 4.135 GPA, but I assume most places would round it down to a 4.0
-I've played the saxophone since I was 10 and I have 7 years of piano experience.
-I'm involved in every band activity we have with the three big Bs: bari sax, bassoon, and bass clarinet.
-I'm also in our Tri M music honor society as a 3 year member and I do a lot of volunteering for the Salvation Army through this society.
-We don't actually have a title, but you could call me a co-captain of our school's Math Team, and at one meet I got a 5th place medal :) I was pretty excited lol
-I have been in 4-H since I was in 3rd grade, I am the president of my club, and I show at the county fair every year :)</p>
<p>Unlike some kids, NU is my first choice and I have no interest of going Ivy.
I would probably be a math major if I had to decide right now :)
I'm planning on applying ED.</p>
<p>So, what are the odds of me getting in? LOL I wish I wasn't so paranoid</p>