Opt-in for football tickets

<p>Can’t believe my son will not be getting tickets this year. While it is true that most kids will leave UA as football fans, there are still a few who will not. (He stays as far away as possible from game day events. <sigh>)</sigh></p>

<p>Opt in for home games done. Any idea when the opt-in for away games will be?</p>

<p>You guys are referring to Opt-in for returning students correct? The Bama page tells my D she is not eligible yet. I believe incoming Frosh are not able to Opt-in until June 3rd.</p>

<p>txdad, that is correct. Incoming freshmen are later.</p>

<p>Now that they have opted in when do they receive the actual time they need to purchase?</p>

<p>^^^An email will be sent tomorrow with instructions.</p>

<p>My D is in the SAA and President Bonner spoke to them Monday night about some probable upcoming changes in the Student ticket process to try to ensure that the corner of the upper deck that is always empty has people that want to attend the games have the chance. some of the possibilities being tossed around are having all freshmen sit together in the upper deck as a unity thing, working with the Greek system to make sure the students are staying for the entire game, having some type of after game visit to the student section by some of the players and the coaches. There were several other things that she mentioned that have slipped my mind, but it appears that the alumni who haven’t been able to get tickets have noticed and are making noise about the always empty seats in that area.</p>

<p>And a quick follow-up note, the Crimson White has a small news blurb posted online today adressing some of these possible changes.</p>

<p>ProudBamaDad - haven’t noticed previous posts, but WELL DONE that your D is in SAA! I love to hear about how students are involved on campus.</p>

<p>Have we missed the chance for my incoming freshman son to get football tickets for next year??</p>



<p>No, it’ll be at the beginning of June for freshmen.</p>

<p>We are very proud of her. She was on the Deans List for fall and quite possibly will be on the Presidents list for the spring in the ChemE program taking honors classes. This year seems to have flown by from the rainy day that we moved in. She studied and researched a lot of the student organizations and the SAA really appealed to her.</p>