Option: Admitted to UCSB CSE , Instare, CS+Stat in UUIC, OOS , CSE in Purdue, UW, VT, TAMU

Happy that S18 got accepted in CSE UCSB , but alsoi UUIC CS+STAT,OOS. He did not get UUIC CS as his first option. Want to study computer and work in related area. Computer science would be better bet, now he has option of Computer ENgg at, Purdue, UW/Udub, Virginia tech, TAMU, expecting UMich. We are reluctant to send OOS with Pre_major.

What are the career prospect after CS+STAT from UUIC, compared to CS alone. Is the computer science portion same in both option. (class/teacher etc).

What about prospect of GRAD school/ choice after CS+STAT . I know after computer Engg, there are many more choices.

Feedback and opinion will be highly appreciated. Not high school student knows what CS and Computer Engg career really means/ how they will impact long term.

Someone opined that many of the hardware related jobs have moved offshore/ Asia, comparatively there are many more opportunity for CS. Strange but this seems to feel true , looking at silicon valley companies doing well…

Though fees OOS is way too much, we are willing to incur Debt as needed.

Thank you.