Orgo 2 Professors

<p>Has anyone had either Castellano, Deyrup or Davidson for Organic Chemistry 2? I was just wondering how they ran their class and how their homework assignments are (OWL website, worksheets, etc)? Do they give pop quizzes? Any info would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I am currently in Deyrup’s class for Orgo2 and I can say that she is super fair. Dr. Deyrup is VERY approachable, cares and genuinely wants you to do well. Heck I believe her policy is if your failing the class and get a C on her final you pass the class. Also, if you do very well on her exams, you are exempt from her final. She teaches Orgo2 in a different light versus portmess and the others. She makes her own HW, and does not go by the textbook (She does not post answers to HW online, you must do it on your own, or go to her office hours for help, she does this to FORCE you to learn). She gives 4 quizzes and 3 exams along with a final. No OWL, or HW ever due, your entire grade consists of the quizzes n tests, but you can earn improvement points for improving from test to test. She does NOT do nomenclature or stereochemistry (can’t even begin to explain to you how fantastic this is), but makes up for it by her mechanisms and synthesis. TAKE HER! She is motherly, understanding, great teaching skills and most importantly FAIR. Get her quick, word spreads fast and all the kids try to get into her class. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Thank you very much for the detailed response. I really appreciate it. :)</p>

<p>only has 8 seats left for spring in her section. her’s went rapidly.</p>

<p>Deyrup must be new, never heard of her. However, I know Davidson is an awesome professor.</p>

<p>As for set up, most (I think all) orgo professors base their grades on quizzes and exams only. No OWL and that type of stuff.</p>

<p>I am currently signed up to take Professor Deyrup for the spring semester. Does she have an accent? If so, is she hard to understand? Are her quizzes announced or pop quizzes? Since she doesn’t teach from the book, do you still learn all the necessary material to prepare yourself for the MCAT? Does she have her own book that she teaches from or does she just lecture about other stuff? Is it hard to learn the material since she doesn’t use the book?<br>
Sorry for all the questions, but I just want to make sure I have an Orgo 2 teacher who will be the best one for me.</p>

<p>She has a nifty Polish accent, then again she speaks I think 4 European languages. She is clear as day during lecture, her accent is not an issue. She genuinely wants you to do well ( I kid you not, she will explain the same concept over and over and over and over, and one more time in the end in case someone was too scared to ask), I feel like her stuff is based mostly on what you would encounter on the MCAT. She announces all her exams and quizzes well in advance. She is not out to get you, just know her HW like the back of your hand, she offers the resources, it is up to you to utilize them…if you do so you will be rewarded handsomely for your hard work trust me…I have her last test this friday O.O, wish me luck! Hope that helps! </p>

<p>You take a quiz the first week in class and it is worth 10% of your grade, it is essentially an orgo 1 final exam quiz, so make sure you do well on that as she uses that to put together study groups made up of weak and strong students who must work together, if everyone in your assigned study group does average or above on the exams she gives you lots of bonus points, so she emphasizes helping each other out instead of being cutthroat when it comes to a curve(there isn’t one).</p>

<p>Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck on your test!</p>