orgo I book question ...

<p>D has Portmess in the fall, and we're trying to figure out buying textbooks before we get to UF for a change. There are 5 things listed, however ... and it seems redundant:</p>

<p>Organic Chemistry by Brown
PAC OWL EBK organic chemistry 5E (24 months) by Brown
Organic chemistry Bundle
ACP Organic Chemistry (Loose leaf W/OWL E-book) by Brown
Orangic Chemistry Bundle w/SSM/SG by brown</p>

<p>all are 5th edition .... but huh?</p>

<p>They all say required, but they are all varieties of the same thing, right?</p>

<p>Help! :)</p>


<p>never mind, called bookstore for answer.</p>

<p>What was the answer to your question? I’m taking Portmess in the fall also. I already have the Organic chemistry by Brown book, can we use that one?</p>

<p>Essentially, as I understand it, there are 3 parts: the book, an answer key book (ssm/sg), and the OWL codes you need for the class. You can purchase thru UF bookstore all these as separate entities, or you can purchase them in bundles, including an e-book bundle. So, you have to decide what works best for you. If you already have the book, then all you would need, if you want it, is the answer key workbook and the codes. So, when you look online you’ll see the PAC OWL EBK (24 mo) key, which you can get or if I’m understanding Tzais correctly from another thread, you can buy directly from the company. And you’ll have to call the bookstore or look online and find the ssm/sg (solutions manual) separately. Totally clear as mud, isn’t it?</p>


<p>Ok thank you :)</p>