Orientation Schedule

<p>I am looking at the new student orientation schedule. My D2 can move in at 1:00 PM on 8/20. The first orientation event doesn't start until 5:00 pm the next day 8/21. Do the freshmen usually sleep n the dorms that first night and what do they do all day the next day? Just trying to figure out if my hubby and can get to the beach on 8/21 and what D2 will be doing that day? Thanks</p>

<p>My D did sleep at the dorm the first night and it was the beginning of making great friendships and getting to know her roommate. The girls slept alittle later the next morning, then went to brunch in the diningroom, then we did alittle organizing in the room, did a Target run and picked up the last of the necessities. Also, it was nice hanging out a bit in the dorm, meeting her new floormates and getting to know her roommate a bit before all of the orientation stuff begins. The elevators were full and there was a long line coming and going, so it took more time than one would think. If the beach was close by, it might have been an option, but it wasn’t and we wanted to be with our D until our goodbyes. Once orientation begins, you virtually don’t see the students except to say a final goodbye. They are kept very busy and that was the last day we really spent any time with her.</p>

<p>mumof2, it sounds like we have the same schedule (Tuesday afternoon move-in) and similar concerns. My DH and I are both high school teachers and guess what…school starts the same week as UMiami’s move-in/orientation. We’re trying to figure out how we can get the most value out of move-in week without missing too much of our first week of school back home. (Full disclosure: I have not yet been to campus! My husband accompanied my D on her one and only visit to UMiami after she was accepted. I did ALL of the other schools–none of which she ultimately chose!)</p>

<p>My first day of classes is the 19th and my husband’s first day of classes is the 21st. It would be a major issue with our employers/students/parents if either of us missed our first day of school.</p>

<p>Therefore, I thought DH would go down Monday/Tuesday and I would arrive Tuesday evening. That would allow me to help with last-minute room set up and to meet her roommate who moves in on Wednesday. (Or, do they let roomies move in together?) </p>

<p>Should I alternately have my daughter ask to delay her move-in until Wednesday? What are the downsides to this? How many more days should I plan on staying? I am so torn. I don’t wanna miss a minute at UMiami, but I also have to be realistic about my responsibilities with my students. Also, we will be back down for Family Weekend.</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Hi, Skewcounselor,
I feel your pain! I have an older D who is going abroad for a semester and at first she thought she had to leave on 8/20. I was trying to figure it all out since neither my husband nor I wanted to miss seeing either D off but fortunately she found out that she doesn’t actually have to leave until 8/25.</p>

<p>Move in date/time is determined by last name, I am sure that they would let your D move in a day later, on Wednesday, but the rooms are so small that it would probably be easier to not have two kids moving in simultaneously. I like having the Tuesday move in day because I know from experience that we will probably have to go back to Target or Bed Bath and Beyond for things we forgot and there will be time to do that on Wednesday.The parents orientation isn’t until Thursday. So your staggered approach sounds like it will work and the benefit is that your husband can do all the hard work, LOL. </p>

<p>Good luck! You must be dying to see the campus for the first time. Are you driving or flying?</p>

<p>Just because you are assigned Tuesday does not mean that you can’t move in on Wednesday. You don’t need special permission for that at all. They stagger the kids just to make the parking lots/elevators less congested. It will be crowded, hot, congested both days! If you go into the process knowing this, it makes it easier. Water bottles are given out all over and hydration is important for all. You can check out a cart to help with the process and load it up and make as many trips as you like. My D and her roommie moved in at the same time and it was not a problem…they come and go making trips to the car, while us moms cleaned and helped organize (and enjoyed the A/C) Flying in Tuesday night and setting up the room Wed sounds like a great plan. The events for the parents towards the end of the week are wonderful and allow for tours and great information and even counseling for the parents. A great brunch with Donna Shalala and alot of fun. You will leave knowing that your child is in great hands and being well looked after. It is a comfort for parents new to this process.</p>

<p>@Mum, we are from Chicago so we are flying.</p>

<p>One more question. (I was going to say “last” question, but I can’t promise it will be my last!) ;-)</p>

<p>My son who will be 16 wants to be a part of my D’s move-in. I imagine he could help my husband without getting too much in the way, but there wouldn’t be time to do anything but shop and set up. I realize this is a family decision, but again I would appreciate your advice. It is an expensive undertaking to fly from Chicago and he will be missing his first two days of sophomore year–plus I understand the rooms are pretty tight. I am inclined to keep him at home until an official visit for Family Weekend, but I also appreciate that he would like to be a part of his sister’s milestone event. He is a mature kid who likes to be helpful; my DD and DH would be fine either way.</p>

<p>Your thoughts? Thank you!!!</p>

<p>We saw very few younger siblings during our many move-in experiences. I’m sure they would find the seminars boring, although the initial Cane event is fun! Of course, we also left our DD at home when moving in DS because she was in school at the time.
I’m sure that your DS is helpful and that would be a plus, but if it is expensive, you might want to just come during Family Weekend and let your son stay in the dorm if he might want to!
Every kid is different, but there were parts of move-in that were stressful and not really “fun” at all, as compared to Family weekend which is alot of fun! (often the freshman is nervous and a bit stressed, perfectly normal emotions, as well as your emotions)
For what it is worth, I vote for Family Weekend or really any weekend!</p>

<p>Thanks, DinDune. You validated my hunch. Plus, this way it can be all about my DD and her needs/feelings/preferences. My DS will get his turn before too long.</p>

<p>UM does a great job with move in – but keep in mind that there are only 2 elevators in each tower – so the elevator lines can be long – and it will be HOT. We did the move in in the afternoon but I would recommend checking in during the day, getting your laptop setup, and maybe doing most of the move towards the end of the day or evening when the temps are cooler and the elevator lines short. Good Luck</p>

<p>skewlc: Our 16 year old son came down to Miami with us for move in and had a great time. We stayed at a great hotel with a great pool. He went exploring with us, helped at move-in and shopping, etc. The only orientation event we parents attended was the parent brunch and there was no problem with our son joining us. Of course he came down with us for parent weekend and every other visit until he started college himself. T</p>

<p>The only drawback I see for you is that your son will miss two days of classes. Tough call.</p>